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Cryptic 5x5 #31 by tuber

· By tuber · Published 2024-08-04T18:08:54.172Z

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  • El Gordo 42 🤓4:10 · 2024-08-05T01:06:42.906Z
    Very good, I really liked the misleading surface read for 4D.
    • tuber constructor · 2024-08-04T18:29:22.493Z
      Here we go again, solvers, and thanks for trying your hand at my silly nonsense once more. I try to remain apolitical, but aficionados of W B Yeats may detect his influence at work in some elements of 2D.
      Here's the wash-up as I see it. Comments and suggestions are gratefully accepted as I strive to do better (but it seems I still can't help my occasional Araucarian urges getting the better of me.)
      ACROSS. 1A. "president" = ABE + "democrat" = D. 3A. "doctor" = DR + "back at sea" = AFT. 7A. removal of "right" = R from "consequently" = ERGO. 8A. removal of "power" = P from "specialist" = EXPERT. 9A. hidden in "absURDUndertaking".
      DOWN. 1D. "commercial" = AD + outer letters of "zone" = ZE. 2D. insertion of first letters of "GEorgia" = GE into "Trump wounded here" = EAR. 4D. "romeo" = R + "lover, no longer" = EX. 5D. First letters of "Favour Of Reform". 6D. homophone of "two two".
      • Aaron Riccio 🤓3:09 · 2024-08-05T15:17:26.735Z
        Playful stuff, as ever, thanks for the grid. I really liked 7A, 8A, 9A, 4D, and 6D. A few nits: the definition for 1A seems off (wouldn't it just be [sleeping]?) and I'm on the fence about [primaries] as a way to indicate the first two letters of Georgia. (I think, given the surface, I lean toward yes.) I do think I'd change the order of the two parts, though, unless you mean that the primaries are full of intensity (as opposed to Trump).
        President (Democrat) is sleepy, here? (4)
        1. 1A
          President (Democrat) is sleepy, here? (4)
        2. 3A
          Rough plan for doctor back at sea (5)
        3. 7A
          Pride consequently abandoning right (3)
        4. 8A
          Use force as specialist discharges power (5)
        5. 9A
          Absurd undertaking, serving tongue in Karachi (4)
        1. 1D
          Commercial zone vacated by chopper (4)
        2. 2D
          Trump wounded here, securing Georgia primaries - full of passionate intensity (5)
        3. 4D
          Romeo with lover, no longer king (3)
        4. 5D
          Leaders in favour of reform supporting the motion (3)
        5. 6D
          22 auditioned in ballet gear (4)