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Jake’s Mini Cryptic #56

· By Jake A · Published 2024-08-20T05:27:43.611Z

Constructor's Note
Please enjoy. I am always appreciative of comment and question. Many thanks!
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  • Womble 🤓1:51 · 2024-08-20T11:09:40.814Z
    Thanks Jake, a fun solve!
    I don't know if 'fluffy' is a word I'd use for 1d personally, but that's just me. Not sure about 1a containing 'flying'.
    Enjoyed 3d, which took me most of the solve time!
    • lukadisgre 🤓3:57 · 2024-08-21T06:29:05.093Z
      Another great puzzle Jake! Would you mind explaining the clues in the comments, honestly still can't understand the clue for HAYWIRE. Thanks!
      • cassidy cypress 🤓5:56 · 2024-08-22T22:04:25.424Z
        not Jake, but I think Spooner's refers to William Spooner, namesake of the term "spoonerism" (a speaking mistake in which two sounds are swapped). HAYWIRE is a spoonerism of "way higher", a synonym for "far more stoned".
        • lukadisgre 🤓3:57 · 2024-08-23T20:34:27.537Z
          Oh i see, never would have figured that out lol.
      • Aaron Riccio 🤓4:13 · 2024-09-09T02:27:35.573Z
        I stupidly put in COP PORN for 1D, despite the enumeration not fitting, and that slowed me down a bit. Love to see bookending Spoonerisms, though, especially since they were both clued differently.
        5A made me laugh at ["Woke Tapir" insiders], very good, and 4A was my favorite with that definition of [a common bank form]. I also thought [articulated joints] was cute in 7A, and the [dropping E] in 2D. I had fun!
        Roost for the flying fish (5)
        1. 1A
          Roost for the flying fish (5)
        2. 4A
          Iggy Pop eschews the post office, goes to the front for a common bank form (5)
        3. 5A
          Giraffe-like constituents of The Democratic Republic of the Congo represented by “Woke Tapir” insiders (5)
        4. 7A
          Perhaps your kid’s cousin has articulated joints (5)
        1. 1D
          Fluffy mouthfuls to enjoy at the reverend’s erotic policeman flick (7)
        2. 2D
          Miscreant urge after dropping E in a snug bug’s place (3)
        3. 3D
          Sloppy Spooner’s far more stoned (7)
        4. 6D
          Honest American prez assassinated former Prime Minister of Japan (3)