I'm not sure if there's a good way to implement this puzzle's gimmick when solving it not on paper. Hopefully the clues hinting at the theme and the crosses in the relevant areas are enough to lead to the solution.
Wow this was really great! Took me a long time to work through because of the gimmick but definitely worth it.
bice 39:06 · 2021-11-09T02:47:22.163Z
Good puzzle, but I was confused about how to enter the gimmick answers. I had them entered as rebuses in my solve, but that failed the check. I'm new to the site so I'm not sure if I just misunderstand how to enter rebuses.
On paper, this puzzle wouldn't use rebus squares, since you'd write the names of the four doctors outside of the grid as the three clues serving as a revealer suggest. Not really sure how to cleanly emulate that when solving online with a fixed grid size.