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Menace #27 (199) (Cryptic)

· By CINDER ABERRATION · Published by ariel haymarket · Published 2023-10-06T05:11:30.679Z

With gracious assistance from BINDER and ARCANE - RIOT
Tips appreciated to help this Texan keep taking estrogen! Warning - puzzles often crass, anarchic, and approaching NC-17 territory.
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  • ariel haymarket publisher · 2023-10-06T05:11:30.679Z
    1A - "Wards" scrambled ("off") | 4A - Double def | 6A - Reduction/deletion of repeated letters ("dried up") | 7A - &lit involving slight anagram ("mildly spicy") | 8A - Palindrome ("looking both ways") | 9A - E'ER ("Poet's always") at end of ("following") MUSK ("Elon") + ET ("and French") | 11A - OOL ("Topless fool") reversed ("backed up") | 12A - American Eng. homophone for AUD ("Strange") + IT [yes I know that's a rule-breaker] | 13A - Container | 14A - Not the greatest double def | 1D - Anagram ("rankled") | 2D - &lit with container ("part") | 3D - Anagram | 4D - END ("Climax") inside P ("quiet") + ANGER (rage) | 5D - Anagram | 10D - Specific deletion (COITUS - U) and anagram ("messy")
    • ariel haymarket publisher · 2023-10-06T05:11:30.679Z
      Corrected to "sloppy"
    • Pedagogue 8:04 · 2023-10-06T10:38:38.134Z
      Thanks for an entertaining cryptic. 6A I haven't seen "dried up" as a deletion indicator before; I didn't like "coup organiser" as a definition. 11A "Heathrow"? 12A For Brits it's an extreme homophone - no long vowel in "odd". Please don't take these comments as criticism; it was a very entertaining cryptic.
      • ariel haymarket publisher · 2023-10-06T14:29:03.383Z
        I swear I've seen it as a "reduction" or reverse letter bank indicator elsewhere but I may have imagined that. With regards to the definition itself - while I agree that there are more standard definitions, the choice was deliberate, given the style I've been developing over the past 3 years.
      • maturin 🤓3:39 · 2023-10-09T17:18:29.891Z
        10D is probably the best cryptic clue I've ever read
      • RoyJohnson490 9:04 · 2023-10-10T21:51:31.027Z
        Good cryptic. Liked this one a lot. :)
      • Zack Johnson 🤓4:21 · 2023-10-12T19:11:34.723Z
        Nice one! Loved the toilet clue.
        • ariel haymarket publisher · 2023-10-13T01:56:12.633Z
          It was a fun one to craft!
        • Aaron 🤓7:36 · 2023-10-12T22:51:14.626Z
          Fun! Thanks
        • nate 13:40 · 2023-10-13T02:29:15.556Z
          I appreciate the definition for 6A :)
        • ellequin 🤓10:29 · 2023-10-13T05:15:12.853Z
          • ariel haymarket publisher · 2023-10-13T09:52:54.923Z
            No, thank you for solving!
          • merlinnimue 🤓2:58 · 2023-10-16T21:38:30.331Z
            amazing... just so amazing... ive wanted desperately to be at the level of you geniuses, but perhaps i should learn to accept the lowly place where i am and just appreciate the beauty you all bring to the world, so thank you for that
            • ariel haymarket publisher · 2023-10-16T23:19:25.638Z
              I know it's the shtick but yo
            Wards off enticements (5)
            1. 1A
              Wards off enticements (5)
            2. 4A
              Dad's ballet step (3)
            3. 6A
              Coup organizer uses dried-up acacia (3)
            4. 7A
              Mildly spicy nacho ingredient (5)
            5. 8A
              One with a habit looking both ways (3)
            6. 9A
              Poet's always following Elon and French guardsman (9)
            7. 11A
              Topless fool backed up toilet in Heathrow (3)
            8. 12A
              Strange -- it sounds like something the IRS does (5)
            9. 13A
              Dave's acupuncturist holds pouch (3)
            10. 14A
              Swears, sews socks (5)
            1. 1D
              A dad smell rankled low-traffic shopping centers (4,5)
            2. 2D
              Circular circle part?! (3)
            3. 3D
              Player's tally made from parts of AC records (9)
            4. 4D
              Climax in quiet rage like some trans folks? (9)
            5. 5D
              Queerly, I stan sore Spanish ladies (9)
            6. 10D
              Sloppy coitus without you is unemotional (5)