Inspired by The Telegraph's Plusword. The bottom and rightmost rows are Wordle answers. After completing the crossword, use the shaded letters to solve it. To solve the bottom row, read the clues horizontally. To solve the rightmost row, read the clues vertically.
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Anonym00se 2:02 Β· about 1 year ago
Interesting format as always! Got stumped for a while because I thought the words were going to be anagrams of each other like the first one haha.
pythoncodingveryfun constructor Β· about 1 year ago
Maybe I should add additional clarification that the words are independent of each other and only depend on the Wordle grid.
very cool! lucky that i went for the vertical entry first here, i think that helped me think of the horizontal one :)
Jim23809 12:18 Β· about 1 year ago
With both of the pluswords..... so many possibilites, especially 11A.
pythoncodingveryfun constructor Β· about 1 year ago
Did you consider that the other letters are white (i.e. not in the Plusword)? If so, I have verified that there should only be 1 solution each.
Jim23809 12:18 Β· about 1 year ago
Oh yes. I've enjoyed doing these. I'm quite good at Wordle. That's why finding a word that fit 11A was so tough. The double E at the end completely eluded me for quite some time.
s so I gave up!