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Riddle-cryptic 46

· By Hydrologist Guy · Published 2024-09-28T13:26:27.606Z

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  • Selene St Satellite 1:56 · 2024-09-28T17:09:46.924Z
    The square the in the lower left corner seems like it ought to be an O, not a 0, but maybe there's a pun I missed.
    • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-09-28T17:21:37.406Z
      Yikes! How embarrassing! That was a goof-up on my part. I wasn't sure how to edit the puzzle itself, so I added the "O" version as an alternate solution. Thanks for catching that!
    • Sendhil Revuluri 1:28 · 2024-09-28T18:04:31.528Z
      Thank you! For me the lower left corner (1D/5D) did not accept an "O" (but it worked when I tried a zero or "0").
      • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-09-28T19:07:48.966Z
        Sorry about that. I'm duly embarrassed...
      • Darth 🤓1:56 · 2024-09-28T18:29:43.979Z
        Yeah, I was wondering about that O/0 thing, too. ;)
        • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-09-28T19:39:25.333Z
          My apologies!
          • Darth 🤓1:56 · 2024-09-28T21:56:31.511Z
            No worries. It just added some mystery to your puzzle. haha :D
        • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-09-28T19:04:41.629Z
          I apologize to everyone for screwing up. I hope I fixed it. It's a good thing I'm not a heart surgeon or something, where screw-ups could be fatal!!
          • Anika A 🤓2:02 · 2024-09-29T00:25:13.354Z
            Liked this one a lot! Fun rhyming clues, too. :)
            • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-09-29T12:25:58.512Z
              Thanks so much!
            • BeWritten 🤓5:11 · 2024-09-29T14:44:33.965Z
              Loved it! Always look forward to your new ones
              • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-09-29T18:46:16.006Z
                I appreciate that! Thank you!
              • rjy 3:04 · 2024-10-03T19:10:51.307Z
                My first one of yours... quite fun!
                • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-10-04T00:05:55.267Z
                  Thank you!
                • Adrian Mouat 🤓2:39 · 2024-10-03T20:11:58.252Z
                  Nice! Maybe shouldn't have "limb" in the clue
                  • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-10-04T00:06:54.918Z
                    I appreciate that! The way I look at it, some clues need the extra boost....
                  • Zack Johnson 🤓1:00 · 2024-10-03T20:41:48.033Z
                    • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-10-04T00:07:41.995Z
                      Thanks! That was my first call-out ever in "puzzles of the week"!
                    • El Gordo 42 🤓2:41 · 2024-10-04T00:37:04.772Z
                      Oh, my what a pleasure. Though I am no poet, and I even know it!
                      • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-10-04T17:04:55.392Z
                        Ah, but you are a poet! Clearly!
                      • zayd 2:53 · 2024-10-05T02:11:03.165Z
                        This was a well made funny puzzle! Hopefully you make more like these
                        You'll be punished by the pun police if, when someone names this nut, / You blurt out "Someone your own size!" The case would be open and shut.
                        1. 1A
                          You'll be punished by the pun police if, when someone names this nut, / You blurt out "Someone your own size!" The case would be open and shut.
                        2. 4A
                          I'm being partly self-effacing when I tell you that, in tennis, / Through my serve alone I'm scoring the point. (On the court I am a menace!) / Or that I'm getting all the questions right on every test. / So am I partly self-effacing? I'll answer this way: Yes!
                        3. 5A
                          It's an elliptical journey of considerable distance. You take the trip and then / After a year, from the very same spot, you travel the path again.
                        1. 1D
                          This musical instrument has dignity -- a history long and proud. / 'Twould be a musical paradox, though, if you played on it quite loud.
                        2. 2D
                          You see that fellow over there? The one who's nicknamed "C"? (That's him!) / It's strange, but he'd do this and he'd look like this if he went out on a limb.
                        3. 3D
                          Half your life is spent in this -- the darker half, it's true. / It doesn't last forever, though -- that truth will dawn on you!