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Mini 35 - Micro Mini

· By Sendhil Revuluri · Published 2024-04-08T14:51:32.643Z

Constructor's Note
Pushing the envelope here — in size and constructing entirely on a phone! (What’s the ratio of characters in the clues to the grid?) Photo from Darrylsnow on Wikimedia Commons.
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  • kurtalert 🤓16s · 2024-04-08T16:50:33.555Z
    Thank you!
    • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-08T20:10:54.883Z
      Thanks for solving!
    • AuLeaf 🤓18s · 2024-04-08T17:35:42.976Z
      nice one! not familiar with 1A myself
      • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-08T20:09:56.352Z
        Yes, that was a bit regional… (I got so attached to BAO that I tried to make it work.) Clearly didn’t slow you down much!
      • heron 🤓41s · 2024-04-08T17:41:26.392Z
        it's great to be reminded of BAO! had CHI instead of QIS since i misread the clue, so that caused a bit of confusion before everything got fixed haha
        • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-08T20:10:44.626Z
          It really was so good! (And “Turning Red” too!)
        • nate 🤓45s · 2024-04-08T23:07:59.550Z
          Fun one, thanks!
          • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-09T02:07:33.139Z
            Thanks for solving!
          • ForeverJung 2:28 · 2024-04-09T12:05:52.247Z
            Good challenge!
            • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-09T14:32:37.107Z
              Thanks for solving!
            • Kent D 🤓14s · 2024-04-09T21:35:04.342Z
              Sorry, sort of an editing typo in my post above. I meant our original family from France landed in New York, (then New Amsterdam) in the 1650s,
              • Kent D 🤓14s · 2024-04-09T21:33:19.553Z
                Well, my grandparents were born and raised in New York, but they married and moved to California in 1902 After our original family settled there back in the 1650s. Have I ever been in New York? No. Did I have the foggiest clue what the answer to 1A was? No! Fascinating that it's the Brooklyn Queens Expressway. Thanks for a great puzzle!
                • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-10T00:02:07.013Z
                  Wow! That’s amazing that you know your family’s history so far back. Glad you enjoyed — and thanks for solving, and for sharing!
                Hwy. from Astoria to LaGuardia that’s part of I-278
                1. 1A
                  Hwy. from Astoria to LaGuardia that’s part of I-278
                2. 4A
                3. 5A
                  CIA forerunner created in 1942
                1. 1D
                  2018 Academy award-winning Pixar short by Domee Shi, director of “Turning Red”
                2. 2D
                  Vital forces, in Chinese medicine or martial arts
                3. 3D
                  Typographic units equal to the point size, often used for dashes that replace colons