My only problem with fully checked cryptic grids is that I end up not reading half the clues, which is a shame, because I really liked 1D and 2D. (With 3D, I'm not sure [halftime] works as a middle-letter indicator. I can see the argument for and against. I guess the question is would you buy [1:30] as an indicator to take the middle letter (half past) of the clue at 1?)
Thanks for the feedback! I agree, maybe [in middle of match] would have been more appropriate. And you're right that experienced solvers miss out with cryptics like this. I've been making fully checked cryptic puzzles recently to introduce my friends to cryptics, since it's more beginner friendly. My next published cryptic won't be fully checked though, it's already in the works ;)
Also I'm a bit confused with what you're asking at the end of your comment, with [1:30] and "the clue at 1?" —could you clarify? I'm still only a few months deep into making cryptics so stuff like this is usually new to me
Like, if you were cross-referencing clue #1, could you say 1:30 to suggest the middle letter of the answer to 1. It's defensible as cryptic grammar, but is it worth doing? That's the question I struggle with in construction.