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τ Day

◆◆ · By SamuRai · Published 2024-06-27T12:00:44.082Z

Constructor's Note
On March 14th the math world celebrates Pi Day. Like any good religion, splinter sects develop. There are those of us who argue the true high holiday is June 28th: This cross number is in observance.
侍 SamuRai
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  • dilly 🤓9:27 · 2024-06-27T12:34:19.745Z
    Yay! I was craving another one of these number crosswords. Got stuck on 21a, which I thought should be 38 (13x3-1), not sure if I’m parsing something wrong or if that’s a mistake). Happy Tau Day to those who celebrate 🎉
    • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-27T16:07:59.780Z
      You are correct regarding the error on 21A. I’ve put in a quick fix.
    • Sendhil Revuluri 6:18 · 2024-06-27T12:41:01.742Z
      Very clever! And a happy Tau Day to you.
      Two minor issues came up (though I confess I didn’t work out all of the numerical clues). In 21A the current clue would be 38 (3 • 13 – 1) not 68.
      Also, the clue for 1A didn’t make sense to me — the atomic number of mercury is 80 (in base 10) but 628 in base 36 would be equivalent to 296 in base 10. (If I solve the quadratic I don’t think there’s an integer base that works either.) What am I missing? That said, it was clear from the theme and title.
      • dilly 🤓9:27 · 2024-06-27T14:27:07.568Z
        For 1A, the conversion is from 628 in base 10 to base 36, which uses numerals 0-9 and letters A-Z for its digits. 628 (base 10) is written HG in base 36 (atomic symbol, not number, of mercury).
        • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-27T16:09:32.099Z
          ✅ This is correct.
          • Sendhil Revuluri 6:18 · 2024-06-27T16:12:47.218Z
            Aha, thanks so much for explaining!
        • Account 🤓9:48 · 2024-06-27T16:04:01.295Z
          Nice crossnumber! Two issues though: 21A seems to have the wrong clue right now.
          And shouldn't 12A be 2PI? 😜
          • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-27T16:56:43.836Z
            I recently changed 21A to be ((13A*5)-13A)/4 which simplifies to 13A which is the same value as 21A.
            • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-27T16:58:52.574Z
              For 12A I had that as a Schrödinger answer but had to remove it to make another edit an forgot to add it back in, so yes.
            • The Noah 10:42 · 2024-06-27T21:12:55.902Z
              Very fun! I thought it was spelled Tal 😂
              • Nick 16:12 · 2024-06-28T04:16:04.877Z
                I'm real confused about 3A... 31+79 doesn't equal 90. Am I missing something?
                • SamuRai constructor · 2024-06-28T10:13:07.910Z
                  You are correct. That’s just a math fail on my part.
                This number, in base 36, is quicksilver
                1. 1A
                  This number, in base 36, is quicksilver
                2. 3A
                  10A + 1D or 4A + 15D - 10
                3. 4A
                  The first prime number which yields a smaller prime when its digits are reversed.
                4. 6A
                  The smallest number for which 52 less than it and 52 more than it are primes
                5. 7A
                  6A + 10A, anagram of 18D
                6. 9A
                  Famous Route across the U.S. from Chicago, IL to Santa Monica, CA
                7. 10A
                  Highest score in bowling for a single frame.
                8. 12A
                  Value of the number in the circle, clockwise from 1A, with a decimal point after the first digit; ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle.
                9. 13A
                  A less than sexy number
                10. 15A
                  Canada Day 🇨🇦
                11. 16A
                  Age to be able to easily rent a car in the U.S.
                12. 18A
                  If you complete a task at literally the last second, the clock’s second hand will read this.
                13. 19A
                  Age a 34 year old may lie and say they are
                14. 21A
                  ((13A * 5) - 13A)/4
                15. 22A
                  The neighbor south of 9D.
                1. 1D
                  TTTTTT (count iT then say iT)
                2. 2D
                  The smallest number that is both the sum of three consecutive prime numbers and the sum of five consecutive prime numbers.
                3. 3D
                  Number that I want to be VC in Roman numerals but isn’t.
                4. 5D
                  Age at which you could be drafted in the U.S. or buy alcohol in Australia.
                5. 6D
                  First digit is a prime, second digit is multiple of different primes.
                6. 8D
                  The only two digit prime number that is equidistant from the prime below it and the prime above it.
                7. 9D
                  The square of the first prime times the square of the first prime whose digits differ by the first prime. (Or 5 houses up the block from the devil).
                8. 11D
                  James Bond times 10 plus 1
                9. 14D
                  AT too, homonym.
                10. 15D
                  Positively gold. (Not karats but atomically.)
                11. 17D
                  9D divided by an unlucky number.
                12. 18D
                  Twelve under par, lowest round of golf in a PGA tournament
                13. 20D
                  The largest two digit numbers that stays the same when rotated 180°
                14. 21D
                  A person born in 19xy will turn xy in 2028.