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Donation Celebration

· By Jimmy Blank Jones · Published 2024-09-09T17:53:37.368Z

Constructor's Note
I’m a 1A now so I decided to throw a little party for myself :D (I apologize for the long and jokey clues.)
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  • Jimmy Blank Jones constructor · 2024-09-09T17:56:47.191Z
    Little fun fact: I had a dream last night where I posted this puzzle and then you guys were mean to me :(
    • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓1:01 · 2024-09-11T03:32:09.378Z
      Fun, thank you!
      • Jessica 5:00 · 2024-09-16T02:11:55.608Z
        Good puzzle, thanks. I liked 6A. Would it be possible to shade the first row so people realize it's special? (In case they start with 1D instead of 1A.)
        • Jimmy Blank Jones constructor · 2024-09-20T16:01:22.329Z
          Apologies to the downs only folks 😞 (I can’t edit the grid but I’ll definitely remember this for the future)
        • Parker 5:00 · 2024-10-07T02:51:33.529Z
          Fun and unique! Agree with an above comment to make the 1a squares special
          Donator (6 letters)
          1. 1A
            Donator (6 letters)
          2. 4A
            Crossword’s favorite slushies
          3. 6A
            Holy book that if I added “red” between its syllables, would become an ad for a drink
          4. 7A
            I tried so hard to not clue this as “Enharmonic of D#”, but my next best clue was “Minor 6th of the G scale” or “A half-step down from the key that the Crash Bandicoot 2 snow level theme is in”
          5. 8A
            “__ __ don’t worry I’m on it 👍” — Eminem on “Rain Man”
          1. 1D
            Give a binky or to make more transparent(?)
          2. 2D
            “I’m all about that bass, bout that bass, no ______” — Meghan Trainor talking about her body shape
          3. 3D
            Minimum requirement of beating a Pizza Tower/Wario World level, or a singular lick of a drinking dog
          4. 4D
            “Will _ __ there?” “What do you mean ‘Will _ __ there?’ You’re you. Shouldn’t you know?”
          5. 5D
            Millennium Falcon, for Lego, or put something down, or still, as in water, or prepared, after “I’m”, or adjust, as a watch, or actor area