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I'll Put It on the Calendar: 7/24

· By damefox · Published 2024-07-10T22:00:08.275Z · Crosshare's Daily Mini for 7/21/2024

Constructor's Note
This crossword is in the shape of the month of July 2024 on the calendar on my wall.
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  • Kent D 🤓42s · 2024-07-10T22:23:34.347Z
    Fun! I'd forgotten about Anna Lee Fisher and her going back to work on the third day after giving birth. Wow.
    • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓34s · 2024-07-11T01:02:21.467Z
      Fun, thank you!
      • SamuRai 🤓2:59 · 2024-07-12T12:22:45.199Z
        Tried to solve downs only but all I could think of for 5D was FIRE! Nice puzzle.
        • angusg 👇59s · 2024-07-21T08:06:37.020Z
          That's a rather dramatic place for a guitar!
        • wilsch 🤓2:24 · 2024-07-21T01:25:46.409Z
          Great puzzle! July 2024 calendar shape is a cool touch.
        • The Noah 🤓3:53 · 2024-07-21T01:57:29.911Z
          Oh I’m so happy my gf and I could get that. Great one! 7/7
          • ForeverJung 4:30 · 2024-07-21T10:48:29.164Z
            Good work, damefox!
            • Wenwald 🤓2:41 · 2024-07-21T12:21:01.462Z
              Nice puzzle. I like the calendar shape.
            Prepares, as corn on the cob
            1. 1A
              Prepares, as corn on the cob
            2. 7A
              "Let's Make a Deal" option
            3. 8A
              Astronaut Fisher who gave birth on Friday, July 29, 1983, and was back at work at the Johnson Space Center by Monday, August 1
            4. 9A
              Gave the right of way (to), perhaps on the way out of a crowded beach parking lot after hours of fun in the sun
            5. 10A
              "___ who?"
            1. 1D
              Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor whose confirmation hearings began on July 13, 2009
            2. 2D
              "Oh, nothin' sweeter than summertime / And American ___" (Lady A lyric)
            3. 3D
              Russian range
            4. 4D
              "We can be ___ as our falling thermometer in December if you ask about our weather in July" (lyric from "The Music Man")
            5. 5D
              Place for a guitar at a campfire sing-along
            6. 6D
              Part of a watermelon you might have a spitting contest with
            7. 7D
              Dog ___ of summer