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Quick cryptic #2

· By nate · Published 2025-01-12T13:00:25.046Z

Constructor's Note
Each clue starts or ends with a definition of the answer. The rest is one of these types of wordplay:
Anagram: All the right letters are in the clue, just in the wrong order
"Horse roaming beach (5)" gives SHORE
Charades: Replace words in the clue with synonyms or abbreviations
"Inclination to write monotonous song (7)" gives PENCHANT
Reversal: The answer appears backwards in the clue
"Switch paws around (4)" gives SWAP
Insertion: Put one part of the clue within another
"Insurrection is entering ring (6)" gives RISING
Remember that punctuation in cryptic clues is often there to mislead you!
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  • nate constructor · 2025-01-12T13:00:25.046Z
    1A: Deserves; anagram (in a way) of A REST
    4A: game in an alley; OWL in (interrupting) BING
    6A: Flier spots; SCAM RAT reversed (retreats)
    7A: '70s music; DIS (insult) plus CO (company)
    1D: counter; TUBER reversed (pulled up)
    2D: Rose; WERE in (through) TOD
    3D: Winds; anagram (rustled) of ALPS SIR
    5D: oomph; GUST (bit of wind) plus O (zero)
    • snag 🤓4:12 · 2025-01-12T15:57:14.675Z
      • JeffsPuzzles 🤓3:34 · 2025-01-12T19:47:41.547Z
        • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓4:15 · 2025-01-13T00:33:48.328Z
          More great practice for this cryptic beginner! Look forward to more.
          • nate constructor · 2025-01-13T01:56:02.679Z
            Thank you, I'm glad you're finding these helpful!
          • Just 4 Laffs 🤓3:41 · 2025-01-13T02:54:02.594Z
            Thank you for this practice. These are good for beginners at cryptic, like me
            • The Noah 🤓2:55 · 2025-01-13T06:49:43.796Z
              Very fun!
              • rjy 7:37 · 2025-01-13T17:06:23.044Z
                Fun, some really clever ones in here, I particularly liked 2D
                • Nick c 10:22 · 2025-01-14T09:44:06.246Z
                  I just loved this
                  • Martin 🤓9:50 · 2025-01-16T19:39:06.412Z
                    Neat, Nate! I've just recorded a solve of this one for the channel. I think my subscribers will get a lot fro this puzzle. Thank you!
                    • nate constructor · 2025-01-16T21:01:59.972Z
                      Awesome, cheers Martin!
                    Deserves a rest, in a way (5)
                    1. 1A
                      Deserves a rest, in a way (5)
                    2. 4A
                      Owl interrupting Bing's game in an alley (7)
                    3. 6A
                      Flier spots scam; rat retreats (7)
                    4. 7A
                      Insult company making '70s music (5)
                    1. 1D
                      Pull up tuber for counter (5)
                    2. 2D
                      Rose: "we're through, Tod!" (7)
                    3. 3D
                      Winds rustled alps, Sir (7)
                    4. 5D
                      Bit of wind with zero oomph (5)