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Cryptic Étude: Double Definitions

· By Jake A · Published 2024-12-28T03:26:26.903Z

Constructor's Note
In the world of cryptics, I think this is just a fun one. The double-definition comprises the definition twice! There may be a linking word or phrase in there (illustrates, showing, or, for, can be, becomes, reveals, is, etc.). All clues are double definitions, so please relax and have fun with it! 🙂
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  • nate 🤓45s · 2024-12-28T04:13:27.412Z
    Nice one, I like your use of some non-obvious definitions! The only qualm I have is with the plural not matching in 5A ("places" would fit better).
    • Jake A constructor · 2024-12-28T05:02:16.835Z
      Excellent point! Thank you, nate!
    • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓23s · 2024-12-28T05:22:13.207Z
      Thank you! I need to do your whole étude series to start getting some footholds on cryptics…
      • Jake A constructor · 2024-12-28T13:21:51.682Z
        Awesome. I am glad you are enjoying them!
        • JeffsPuzzles 🤓24s · 2024-12-28T15:00:06.629Z
          I've found Jake's puzzles very helpful for just that. There's also a site offering "easy" daily cryptics. Some are easier than others, depending on how many Britishisms there are:
        • JeffsPuzzles 🤓24s · 2024-12-28T14:58:01.003Z
          Thanks, Jake!
          • Jake A constructor · 2024-12-28T16:22:28.472Z
            Thank you, Jeff! 😊
          • James Moir 🤓2:54 · 2024-12-28T19:56:53.048Z
            love this series!!
            • Jake A constructor · 2024-12-29T01:47:30.477Z
              That is wonderful to heart, James. I am so glad you are enjoying them!
            • Gregg Tracton 🤓8:23 · 2024-12-29T03:08:44.221Z
              My first cryptic! I think I need some easier ones to start my cryptic journey.
              Cleared the dirty dishes transported to school (5)
              1. 1A
                Cleared the dirty dishes transported to school (5)
              2. 4A
                Crouch down for nothing (5)
              3. 5A
                Loses places for tools (5)
              1. 1D
                Exceeds twenty one arrests (5)
              2. 2D
                Booze topping for spaghetti (5)
              3. 3D
                Fruits of the palm courts (5)