Fun, thank you! I’d appreciate a link to the TikTok (that doesn’t need me to log in because I’m paranoid about its data use). Also liked 19D and 24D but I think they’re clued backwards.
Fun puzzle. I don't know the meme, but the lead story in the Style section of today's WaPo is "Man in Finance - Tall, Rich & Desired," which I finished skimmin just before tackling your puzzle. One possible correction (I'm not sure): should the clues for ONE and UNO be switched?
We're really just vessels here. My wife: "Oh, I have an idea for a puzzle!" Me: "I have no idea what this is, but I'm going to make it."
Echser 5:00 · 9 months ago
Super fun puzzle! I am currently working on my own crossword because its my goal to have a crossword appear in the NYT newspaper (something Robyn Weintraub-esque [she's the best crossword filler there is]), and I was wondering if you had any tips on finding fun words/terms for crosswords (i.e. stuff like FLAMINHOTCHEETOS and THEDEVILSLETTUCE from your last puzzle [great answers, by the way]) because you also have great puzzle fill. Thanks for any tips you can give me :)
Aw, thanks! I think we all aspire to be Weintraub-esque (or Weintraubian, if you will). Any tips? Guess it depends on if I'm making a themed or a themeless puzzle. For the latter, a great seed entry is key. Think I started with THE DEVILS LETTUCE in the last one and went from there. I just got lucky finding that FLAMIN HOT CHEETOS was another great 16 that fit the grid. Not sure if you're using construction software, but Ingrid is free and it comes with Spread The Wordlist. I use Crossfire to construct, because I'm so used to it. With either program, a scored wordlist is a useful tool for keeping great entries in and tossing subpar entries out. Happy to chat more if you're on Discord. Feel free to reach out - I'm at briancallahan!
Echser 5:00 · 9 months ago
Thank you! I usually come up with random short words/clues because I think of "?" clues, I just put longer stuff where it would fit after the short words I liked were in. Now I know to focus on longer fill first, haha. I also don't use Discord, but thanks anyway.