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Did I Just Make the Crossword of the Summer?

· By Brian Callahan · Published 2024-06-18T13:10:30.041Z

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  • kurtalert 🤓2:35 · 2024-06-18T15:35:49.300Z
    Very nice, thank you Brian.
  • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓2:19 · 2024-06-18T16:02:11.508Z
    Fun, thank you! I’d appreciate a link to the TikTok (that doesn’t need me to log in because I’m paranoid about its data use). Also liked 19D and 24D but I think they’re clued backwards.
  • alkashen 🤓4:58 · 2024-06-18T16:02:06.118Z
    I liked this one! 14A is clever.
    • Brian Callahan constructor · 2024-06-18T20:13:43.349Z
      Thanks for solving!
    • JeffsPuzzles 🤓3:03 · 2024-06-18T16:30:54.057Z
      Fun puzzle. I don't know the meme, but the lead story in the Style section of today's WaPo is "Man in Finance - Tall, Rich & Desired," which I finished skimmin just before tackling your puzzle. One possible correction (I'm not sure): should the clues for ONE and UNO be switched?
      • Brian Callahan constructor · 2024-06-18T20:18:18.584Z
        Perfect timing! Thanks for solving and your not one ONE / UNO
      • kieranjboyd 🤓2:39 · 2024-06-18T21:51:02.231Z
        Me, to my partner: "Hey, do you know a TikTok about a Wall St bro?" Her, on autopilot: sings the song perfectly Me: "Perfect, thanks"
        • Brian Callahan constructor · 2024-06-19T01:09:48.792Z
          We're really just vessels here. My wife: "Oh, I have an idea for a puzzle!" Me: "I have no idea what this is, but I'm going to make it."
        • Echser 5:00 · 2024-06-18T22:56:29.387Z
          Super fun puzzle! I am currently working on my own crossword because its my goal to have a crossword appear in the NYT newspaper (something Robyn Weintraub-esque [she's the best crossword filler there is]), and I was wondering if you had any tips on finding fun words/terms for crosswords (i.e. stuff like FLAMINHOTCHEETOS and THEDEVILSLETTUCE from your last puzzle [great answers, by the way]) because you also have great puzzle fill. Thanks for any tips you can give me :)
          • Brian Callahan constructor · 2024-06-19T01:23:07.058Z
            Aw, thanks! I think we all aspire to be Weintraub-esque (or Weintraubian, if you will). Any tips? Guess it depends on if I'm making a themed or a themeless puzzle. For the latter, a great seed entry is key. Think I started with THE DEVILS LETTUCE in the last one and went from there. I just got lucky finding that FLAMIN HOT CHEETOS was another great 16 that fit the grid. Not sure if you're using construction software, but Ingrid is free and it comes with Spread The Wordlist. I use Crossfire to construct, because I'm so used to it. With either program, a scored wordlist is a useful tool for keeping great entries in and tossing subpar entries out. Happy to chat more if you're on Discord. Feel free to reach out - I'm at briancallahan!
            • Echser 5:00 · 2024-06-19T15:02:15.892Z
              Thank you! I usually come up with random short words/clues because I think of "?" clues, I just put longer stuff where it would fit after the short words I liked were in. Now I know to focus on longer fill first, haha. I also don't use Discord, but thanks anyway.
          • riotblob 🤓2:34 · 2024-06-19T00:54:00.548Z
            hahaha, this was great fun! fortunately I'd seen people talking about the tiktok thing and was able to dredge up plausible things for those entries :D
            also did not know that about 25A, thank you for the interesting new fact ✨
            • Brian Callahan constructor · 2024-06-19T01:24:45.257Z
              Thanks for solving! I learn new things from crosswords everyday (and promptly forget them soon after)😂
            • Makin 12:52 · 2024-06-21T20:14:41.098Z
              Bottom right corner completely destroyed me, didn't know the dog either...
              • Brian Callahan constructor · 2024-06-21T23:59:58.448Z
                Hope you at least enjoyed the challenge🤞🏻. Thanks for solving!
              • wandernat 🤓6:00 · 2024-06-24T15:33:36.077Z
                Delightful puzzle. Though, I'd been trying to avoid the 2024 meme. :)
                Burrito, e.g.
                1. 1A
                  Burrito, e.g.
                2. 5A
                  "The Graham Norton Show" network
                3. 8A
                  Reese's ___ (candy whose sales rose 300% following the release of 1982's "E.T.")
                4. 10A
                  Taking a sick day, perhaps
                5. 11A
                  Repeated lyric in a May 2024 TikTok meme about the perfect partner being an attractive Wall St. bro
                6. 12A
                7. 13A
                  ___ nous (between us)
                8. 14A
                  Bring up again?
                9. 16A
                  Actress Saldaña of "My Little Pony: the Movie"
                10. 17A
                  Apt letters missing from "nonspeci__c __g name"
                11. 18A
                  Repeated lyric in a May 2024 TikTok meme about the perfect partner being an attractive Wall St. bro
                12. 22A
                  Chew (on)
                13. 23A
                  To's opposite
                14. 25A
                  Murder : crow :: siege : ___
                15. 27A
                  Alexander's rival in "Hamilton"
                16. 29A
                  Affirmative vote
                17. 30A
                  Repeated lyric in a May 2024 TikTok meme about the perfect partner being an attractive Wall St. bro
                18. 32A
                  "Told ya!"
                19. 33A
                20. 34A
                  TV network sued by QVC in 2005 over the use of the phrase "Christmas in July"
                21. 35A
                  Ice sheet
                1. 1D
                  Alternative to peppermint or spearmint
                2. 2D
                  Hind end
                3. 3D
                  Benzoyl peroxide target
                4. 4D
                  Chest muscle, for short
                5. 5D
                  Petite, puffy pooch
                6. 6D
                  With 26-Down, repeated lyric in a May 2024 TikTok meme about the perfect partner being an attractive Wall St. bro
                7. 7D
                  Nickname found in "muscle memory"
                8. 8D
                  Vintner's grape
                9. 9D
                  Times New Roman feature
                10. 11D
                  Shriner's headgear
                11. 17D
                  "Success!" inits.
                12. 19D
                  24-Down, en español
                13. 20D
                  "Game of Thrones" character who ends the series as Queen in the North
                14. 21D
                  Operated a Lyft
                15. 24D
                  19-Down, in English
                16. 25D
                  Mishmash breakfast dish
                17. 26D
                  See 6-Down
                18. 27D
                  What would Brian Boitano do?...uh...probably this figure skating maneuver
                19. 28D
                  Natural hairstyle
                20. 31D
                  "Test tube" tech, in brief