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Magic Square 30

◆◆ · By SamuRai · Published 2024-05-18T02:28:30.677Z

Constructor's Note
This is my first magic square puzzle (revised after a typo in the grid on the initial release). Each cell contains a number from 0 to 15. Enter 10-15 using the rebus function. Entries for each row, column, and the four 2x2 squares will add to 30. The clues give two or three digit answers which fit in the corresponding two cells. For example an answer of 115 could either fit in the two cells as 1-15 or 11-5. Cells without clues can be solved for using the sums to 30 rule. Please let me know if you enjoy this format. Future versions may use non-consecutive numbers and an unspecified total to be used as a meta answer. Good luck!
Thanks goes to either heron or kurtalert (my memory fails me as I quickly deleted it, but they both have a keen editorial eye) for quickly catching the mistake in my initial release (I’d reused a number inadvertently in building the magic square).
侍 SamuRai
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  • Account 🤓3:56 · 2024-05-18T03:16:49.335Z
    Very nice! I was also most of the way through the original puzzle and was getting frustrated with the mistake lol
    • SamuRai constructor · 2024-05-18T08:50:10.311Z
      I apologize most sincerely to you and anyone else this happened to. Insomnia and puzzle writing aren’t a great mix.
    • SylveonSoulmate 🤓3:27 · 2024-05-18T07:40:18.180Z
      Nice! In 11-across, the answer appears in the clue, I think that was unintentional?
      • SamuRai constructor · 2024-05-18T08:52:37.801Z
        Good catch. Fixed. It was a copy-paste issue from the picture of the previous puzzle, since grids with bars cannot be exported as .puz files.
      • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓2:35 · 2024-05-18T14:21:35.492Z
        Very interesting puzzle, thanks! Look forward to more.
        The NE corner got me — I had somehow convinced myself that entries needed to be in the range of 1 to 15. But I saw zero would work in both directions, checked your note, and figured it out!
        3D is a very interesting fact! (Some small typos in the clue.) Loved 5A as well.
        In 1D the clue seems to be cut off (this would have helped me with 1A!) In 9D there is a small typo in ARPANET.
        I didn’t get 3D. Hint appreciated!
        • SamuRai constructor · 2024-05-18T15:47:41.508Z
          Edits made. Many thanks for the comments.
          For 3D, Before=B4 (base-12)=11x12+4=136.
          In bases greater than 10, A=10, B=11, C=12 and so on. Could make for a fun base-36 puzzles since all letters and numbers are used.
        • kurtalert 🤓1:30 · 2024-05-18T14:47:23.422Z
          Nice revision! It was a little easier the second time around LOL 🤓
          Less than convenient store
          1. 1A
            Less than convenient store
          2. 3A
            The only number that is the sum of the squares of its first four divisors!
          3. 5A
            4 squared in base-3, 5 squared in base-4, etc.
          4. 6A
            Phone number that connects to your wireless service provider (US and Canada)
          5. 7A
          6. 9A
            Automotive fuel mixture largely made from corn, E__
          7. 11A
            June 17, 19_: NFL star O. J. Simpson and his friend Al Cowlings flee from police in a white Ford Bronco.
          8. 12A
            GaBe atomically
          1. 1D
            An exceedingly convenient store
          2. 2D
            A basic course
          3. 3D
            Before in base-12?
          4. 4D
          5. 7D
            Days in February 2024
          6. 8D
          7. 9D
            January 1, 19_: ARPNET transitions to TCP/IP. Considered to be the start of the internet.
          8. 10D