[Level 3] The answer to the meta is what you might say to certain letters in the grid. Thursday nudge: Try figuring out a link between the letters that are predominant on the left, versus those that seem to be predominant on the right.
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DJB solved over 2 years ago
FrankieHeck solved over 2 years ago
BrennerTJ solved over 2 years ago
oldjudge solved over 2 years ago
Meg solved over 2 years ago
benchen71 solved over 2 years ago
LesY solved over 2 years ago
boharr solved over 2 years ago
Hector solved over 2 years ago
edestlin solved over 2 years ago
Laura M solved over 2 years ago
KayW solved over 2 years ago
dplass solved over 2 years ago
Cindy Heisler solved over 2 years ago
kurtalert solved over 2 years ago
Abide solved over 2 years ago
rjy solved over 2 years ago
whimsy solved over 2 years ago
Pair O Ducks solved over 2 years ago
Wendy S HeadinHome solved over 2 years ago
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Thanks! You did this sans-nudges, so I have to ask what you saw first and what gave it to you...congrats on topping the board!
DJB 2s · over 2 years ago
Hi Mikey - just saw this comment! I saw lots of Es on the left, lots of Os on the right, then looked down at the keyboard and saw their positions on the keyboard. Then I tested a few other letters nearby and the pattern emerged. I think online solvers definitely had an advantage for this one as the keyboard would have been under their noses! Pen and paper solvers would have had a harder time (I think?)
Very clever, and a basic concept that I haven't seen before in a meta (which is increasingly rare)! Sadly I needed to be HAND-held all the way to the finish line, but oh well. Great puzzle, thanks!
KayW 🤓5:41 · over 2 years ago
wowza. I don't remember seeing a metanism like this before. Very cool!
Yeah, I've heard of DVORAK and just looked up COLEMAK; that's pretty cool - I wonder how the original QWERTY layout was derived. Yeah, this one reminded me of some of the Gaffneys in retrospect where you kind of have to see it and, so, without extra assistance, it probably is a Week 4 - or even Week 5. Thanks for solving!
Cindy Heisler 2s · over 2 years ago
I needed a nudge, but got there in the end. This was a tough one for me. I just couldn't see it. Very clever mechanism, though. Thanks, Mikey.
It's one of those "leaves in a forest" kind of thing. I'm still trying my best to put myself in solvers' shoes and ask what they would see. It is a unique mechanism, I'll concur! One I wish I could've gotten into a 15-by-15, and I think I tried it for about 10 minutes and was like, "Nope," haha.
kurtalert 🤓7:07 · over 2 years ago
Slick! Impressive puzzle. I'm sure constructing this was a bear.
Yeah, it definitely required a lot of trial-and-error! At least one time an alternate letter slipped in that wasn't supposed to. I always try to get some more creative fill in there, and who knew you could type CAREBEARS with your left hand only?? Thanks for the kind comments!
Abide 4s · over 2 years ago
Only needed one nudge (#3 )
Wendy S HeadinHome 🤓3:20 · over 2 years ago
Can’t even imagine constructing a grid like that! Well done, and fun to solve. I used all the hilighter colors…
Hector 5:50 · over 2 years ago
Oh, it had to do with the keyboard! I had no idea, but just saw that some letters were mostly but not entirely on one side or the other. TAB might have been sort of a tip-off; I wonder if it could be combined with ESC top left. Observations: we type "B" with different hands; and "impostor" looks misspelled to me no matter how it's spelled.