
Printer's Devilry - Intro

◆◆ · By quatrevingtneuf · Published 2021-10-20T09:17:01.459Z

This mini is composed solely of printer's devilry clues. If you haven't see this type of clue before, the Wikipedia page is a decent place to start:
Hope y'alls enjoy this introduction to printer's devilry if you aren't already familiar! If this goes well, a full-size grid could be in the works...
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  • quatrevingtneuf constructor · 2021-10-20T09:23:41.686Z
    Clue parsing (2/2):
    1D - Rock climbers' pit[ONS ET]ched small scars into the cliff
    2D - N[EARLY] one in five Americans live with some mental illness (5)
    3D - I speak with a li[SP OR E]mit: unexpected sounds
    • quatrevingtneuf constructor · 2021-10-20T09:23:14.190Z
      Clue parsing (1/2):
      1A - C[OP ENS]ures that criminals get tracked down
      4A - Tau or pi: lo[SER VO]ted out of mathematical circles
      5A - A balanced diet: optimal. Oat: heal[THY. ME]at: testing needed
      • Mike D 4:24 · 2021-10-20T15:22:29.917Z
        Cool form - I had never heard of this! I got two squares correct in 4 minutes 😂
        • Ariel Haymarket 2:13 · 2021-10-20T16:14:50.427Z
          I did not get this at all until I saw the parsing. This is clever.
          • Julia 14:36 · 2021-10-21T04:07:23.893Z
            I was bedeviled. Proud of the four letters I managed to get on my own, though. Great puzzle (once I read the spoilers)!
            Cures that criminals get tracked down (5)
            1. 1A
              Cures that criminals get tracked down (5)
            2. 4A
              Tau or piloted out of mathematical circles (5)
            3. 5A
              A balanced diet: optima loathe a latte, sting needed (5)
            1. 1D
              Rock climbers pitched small scars into the cliff (5)
            2. 2D
              None in five Americans live with some mental illness (5)
            3. 3D
              I speak with a limit: unexpected sounds (5)