My choice to include the revealer plus the constraints of the mere 11x11 grid made it difficult to fit in more than five instances of the theme. I think this theme is better suited to a full-sized puzzle, but I wanted to enter the Midi Contest this month so I’m publishing this puzzle anyway. As always, thanks for solving :)
wow, this was so smooth considering there were five rebus squares and a 10-letter revealer (with two ZZs and one X, too!). amazing construction--i don't know how you pulled it off. all the question mark clues landed really well, too. thanks for the puzzle, this was a lot of fun to solve!
wow! this was great. I'm embarrassed by how long it took me to realise there were rebus squares (especially as it required me to think "oh, I must have forgotten the capital of south dakota and be confusing it with some other state's capital" .... )
one day I'll remember rebus squares exist! and this was an impressive and fun puzzle despite my dimness. thank you!
David C 🤓9:46 · 9 months ago
Holy moly this was a brilliant puzzle! Great work, and thank you.
This is definitely worth reworking in a larger grid, since this theme is clever and very fun. However I'm so glad you gave it to an 11x11 because these themes are so tough to fit!! Really perfect puz
Great puzzle! Really didn't feel as rebus dense as it was. And with the double Z and an X? Absurd!