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Mad at the Bee Mini

· By Miriam Sicherman · Published 2024-08-14T22:03:09.215Z

Constructor's Note
I encountered a bee in Eureka, California two days ago and now my hand is super itchy and looks deformed. (The picture is the photo I took moments before the bee attacked.)
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  • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓34s · 2024-08-14T22:35:09.737Z
    Sorry to hear that! (A wasp stung me on the hand a day after the 2017 eclipse and it's almost as memorable as the eclipse itself… in a very different way.) Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    • Miriam Sicherman constructor · 2024-08-14T23:33:04.863Z
      Thanks! Yes, although it's nothing serious, it is annoyingly distracting!
    • Grant Kennell 🤓2:29 · 2024-08-15T05:27:53.712Z
      Sorry you got stung but at least you took a nice shot first. Fun puzzle too. Welcome to California!
      • ForeverJung 🤓1:46 · 2024-08-15T11:12:21.121Z
        Clever challenge, Miriam! Hope your hand gets better very soon.
        • Womble 🤓48s · 2024-08-15T12:18:08.964Z
          Get well soon!
          • Cruciverb Maximus 🤓1:26 · 2024-08-15T14:28:12.180Z
            The only thing we spray for is wasps. Not. Welcome. When I see one near my house I stomp it til its non-covalent bonds break and it's a pile of organic goo. Get well soon! Way to channel your emotions into puzzles :-)
            • joel 4:39 · 2024-08-15T19:07:28.669Z
              Inspiration out of a bee sting or despite? Thanks
              • Kent D 🤓41s · 2024-08-16T02:16:11.483Z
                Fun puzzle, thanks! Sorry to hear about your sting, too! I lived in Eureka in the late 1980s while I was going to Humboldt State, now changed to Cal Poly Humboldt. I had a lot of fun in Humboldt County, including a nasty bunch of bee stings over the course of about 15 seconds. I was working for the US Forest Service in the mountains and tripped over a ground hive I didn't see. Hundreds of bees attacked me! No idea how many stings I got, but I swelled up like a balloon. Thankfully a co-worker was with me, so he drove me to the closest ER which was about 50 miles away. An IV and a bunch of antihistamines later, I stumbled out of the ER, went to my friend's car, and fell asleep for a couple of hours :-) Quite the day out in the woods!
                • Miriam Sicherman constructor · 2024-08-16T14:33:02.939Z
                  Yikes! That is terrifying! Glad you were okay.
                • kurtalert 🤓1:05 · 2024-08-16T14:38:30.882Z
                  Damn, sorry! BTDT. The last time I got stung was the first time I found out that I was allergic to being stung. Not fun!
                  The mean thing a bee did to my left middle finger
                  1. 1A
                    The mean thing a bee did to my left middle finger
                  2. 6A
                    Cry of joy, basically the opposite of what a mean bee induces
                  3. 7A
                    Sherlock's younger sister
                  4. 8A
                    Energy-storing compound that does not compose a major part of bee venom
                  5. 9A
                    Uses a beam of light that somehow cuts things
                  1. 1D
                    What my left hand has done more and more of for the past two days as it reacts to bee venom
                  2. 2D
                    Patty Hearst's code name in the Symbionese Liberation Army, with a spelling variation
                  3. 3D
                    Breakfast restaurants
                  4. 4D
                    Bee 1As hurt, that's __ ____
                  5. 5D
                    Urges a bee (or anyone) to do mean things