Well, first off, I’d like to say I’m not sure how this one is, as this was supposed to remain in my unreleased testing cue, and clearly I goofed on the release dates. But I’m ecstatic you like it!
That said, for making puzzles like these, the biggest thing I’ve learned (in the brief time I’ve done this style) is that the complication doesn’t come in the actual fact that it’s a rebus, it’s in being very particular about your down/across junctures. Most conventional crosswords you can still go straight across the acrosses or down the downs and be okay. With rebus, the relationship between down and across is so much more delicate (just because someone solved your across clue doesn’t mean they solved anything until they have the down information to know what letters will rightfully fit in the square give). Solve that and you’re golden
Will M 🤓1:10 · about 2 months ago
Yeah I can see how the relationship between directions is definitely more intricate, thanks for taking the time to write that! That was very kind.
I'm working on a crossword with a sudoku theme, not sure how it'll go but once I'm done I'll have to give rebus a try!
I’m looking forward to trying your puzzle! Trust your gut and don’t be afraid to do something different! Even if it’s not well received at first (or ever)
Thank you for your kind words!
My only other tip on rebus puzzles is trust the computer to give you fill (type something random into one box and see what happens) but then, with the benefit of technological innovation on your side, be deliberate about what you’d want to solve and fill the grid in from there
Great puzzle! Will, I also recommend the Onelook dictionary if you haven't tried it. Especially for rebuses, it's good for finding words with particular patterns (so if you want to make a cross with the rebus 'out', you could type *out* and onelook will give you all the words with 'out' in them) https://www.onelook.com/ You can also find four letter words that start with p by typing p??? for example
Will M 🤓1:10 · about 2 months ago
Awesome! This website is great, and thank you Parker for all the tips! Really appreciate you two :)
Fun, thank you! I think this would also benefit from a 1-2-3 tag. And I think that's also a good source of puzzles for a gentle introduction to rebuses! My only constructing advice (having made only one so far) is just to start small and don't be afraid to try it out!