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Grain Salad Mini

· By Miriam Sicherman · Published 2024-07-30T13:28:25.546Z

Constructor's Note
The photo shows the eponymous dish I just made so that I can eat lunch for days and days without cooking anything else.
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  • Kent D 🤓31s · 2024-07-30T13:46:41.298Z
    Great puzzle, thanks!
    • Helly 🤓1:07 · 2024-07-30T14:54:22.551Z
      That salad looks good
      • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓33s · 2024-07-30T15:18:26.942Z
        Fun, thank you! 6A/4D was a nice bonus. (Recipe appreciated!)
        • Miriam Sicherman constructor · 2024-07-30T22:00:57.465Z
          I also thought it was a nice bonus especially because I didn't want to clue LAMER in relation to LAME. Recipe: However much quinoa you want, however much farro you want, whatever other vegetables and stuff you want (like nuts or tofu or cheese or whatever), dressing is juice of two lemons and olive oil and salt and pepper. I am not a fan of cooking so I like to make a large amount of something that I then eat some of every day until it runs out. Leftovers are my favorite food.
        • joel 🤓5:23 · 2024-07-30T18:32:34.454Z
          • daupo 🤓3:18 · 2024-07-30T23:31:23.824Z
            • ForeverJung 4:09 · 2024-07-31T11:48:25.439Z
              Good challenge, Miriam!
              One of the species of 9A, or the British English past tense for the act of listing the letters of a word in order
              1. 1A
                One of the species of 9A, or the British English past tense for the act of listing the letters of a word in order
              2. 6A
                The sea, en español
              3. 7A
                Second word of the name of a card game; first word is a type of liquor that is often made with wheat
              4. 8A
                When I move away from NYC, how will _____ new people? Maybe at a pot luck where I provide grain salad?
              5. 9A
                Umbrella term for three wheat species, including 1A, 3D, and einkorn (which is too long for this puzzle)
              1. 1D
                Flourish that some fonts have
              2. 2D
                Pen, en español
              3. 3D
                One of the species of 9A, or current U.S. House majority whip Tom
              4. 4D
                The sea, en français
              5. 5D
                I decided to _____ include as many wheat references as I could in this puzzle