The DOT is also known as a tittle — a word I find useful mostly to get another 6 points on Spelling Bee.
FYI tiny typos in the clues for 63A and 36D.
Also on 63A I think it's conventional for the clue to indicate that the answer is an abbreviation (even though that's pretty likely from it being only 3 letters long). Maybe "Sgt.'s superiors" instead?
AuLeaf 🤓5:29 · 11 months ago
Yes, including an abbreviation in the clue is a good way to do it. The other way would be "Sergeant's superiors (abbr.)", but it feels a bit clunkier.
Ah, I guess you need to hit enter/return twice to get a paragraph break, good to know :)
AuLeaf 🤓5:29 · 11 months ago
also [insert joke about your factoid being "titillating"]
The dots on a die or domino have the same name as the little suit markers in the corners of playing cards: pips! [Perhaps there's a Smullyan-themed joke about Gladys Knight and the "knave" (jack)?]
Nice! Thanks for the info about the tittle. I totally forgot the abbreviation marker and have fixed the spelling. Thanks! And thanks for doing the puzzle!
Larry Edelstein 🤓4:19 · 10 months ago
Re: 49D - the Ram is no longer a Dodge brand; it’s its own thing for a while now