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Riddle-cryptic 16

· By Hydrologist Guy · Published 2024-02-21T00:29:19.491Z

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  • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-02-21T00:31:59.835Z
    If your solving, your evolving!
    • Mike D 🤓2:04 · 2024-02-21T02:32:34.090Z
      Fun one!
      • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓1:17 · 2024-02-21T03:16:52.077Z
        Fun, thank you!
        • nate 🤓1:32 · 2024-02-21T08:39:33.013Z
          Love these, thanks :)
          The composer-conductor penned a score / That the critics would deplore. / Eager for blood, they'd rip him apart. / He'd face this, should the concert start.
          1. 1A
            The composer-conductor penned a score / That the critics would deplore. / Eager for blood, they'd rip him apart. / He'd face this, should the concert start.
          2. 4A
            Its study gave ol' Newton some attention well-deserved. / Einstein found the force's source: space itself is curved.
          3. 6A
            "Don't elect that half animal / half man!" his political opponent did say. / "You know how he'll vote on the senate floor? All of his votes will be 'Nay!'"
          4. 7A
            Rain consists of elemental bits. / The answer's cool because / As a noun, it serves to name the bits; / As a verb, it tells what each bit does.
          1. 1D
            The wise men stood on a hundred bucks. But here's what's so absurd: / With the wave of a wand and a puff of white smoke, they turned into this word.
          2. 2D
            Clothes that are this may be ruined, perhaps unfit for public view. / Glass that is this can be beautiful, admired from the pew.
          3. 3D
            A major city by a lake, famed for winds that blast. / Its name suggests 'twas fashionable at some point in the past.
          4. 5D
            He fed the wool to the spinning wheel as he began another story. / "In my first job I spun fibers from some rocks down in the quarry. / The fibers were much crumblier than the ones that you see here!" / He spun these as he spun these -- that should be quite clear.