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Jake’s Mini Cryptic #59

· By Jake A · Published 2024-09-12T15:00:52.398Z

Constructor's Note
I hope you enjoy. 😊 Happy Solving!
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  • Womble 🤓4:56 · 2024-09-13T09:33:55.564Z
    Thank you Jake
    • Jake A constructor · 2024-09-13T18:15:58.225Z
      Thanks, Womble!
    • Aaron Riccio 🤓3:13 · 2024-09-13T02:00:32.055Z
      My faves were 1A and 3D; I didn't follow the parse for 2D.I think [Northern Michigan] is a clue for U (as in university), which is a two-stepper for me, but then is [change of heart] meant to swap the last and first letters of [Top seed] into TOSPEED? If so, I'm still not sure where the first P comes from. It is fun, though, to try and figure it out!
      • dilly 🤓3:35 · 2024-09-13T12:25:28.348Z
        North part of Michigan is the Upper Peninsula, which is basically always called the UP (by Michiganders, not sure how widespread it is outside the state).
        • Jake A constructor · 2024-09-13T18:10:05.597Z
          Thanks! Yep, this is it. I’m not a Michigander myself and I think it is a fairly well-known term.
        • Jake A constructor · 2024-09-13T18:15:44.006Z
          Thanks, Aaron! Yeah, the idea is to swap the first and last letters of TOP SPEED, which are in the middle when the words are smushed together. A little stretchy but worth it! 😆
        • dilly 🤓3:35 · 2024-09-13T12:30:02.677Z
          Really liked the down clues especially, but everything is good. In 2D, I don't totally get [change of heart] for [Top seed]->TOSPEED, though.
          • Jake A constructor · 2024-09-14T00:17:30.078Z
            Thanks, dilly. I was kind of picturing the words smooshed together and then switching around two adjacent interior letters. And then UP for Northern Michigan (the Upper Peninsula).
          Virus identification is likely to change (5)
          1. 1A
            Virus identification is likely to change (5)
          2. 4A
            Take great pleasure in endless death cups (3,2)
          3. 5A
            Eschews all sustenance but lasts long for female (5)
          4. 6A
            Entertainer tried holding still (5)
          5. 7A
            Vocal coach for a royal family (5)
          1. 1D
            Staggering fat feline should lie down, perhaps (4,5)
          2. 2D
            Top seed has change of heart after Northern Michigan is informed of latest developments (2,2,5)
          3. 3D
            Bank Customer Vandalizes iPod Store (9)