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Cryptic 5x5 #1 by tuber

· By tuber · Published 2021-11-14T16:34:59.701Z

I always quite enjoy cluing three-letter words, I don't know why; and despite the fact that it has no sensible surface reading, I like 4A. 3D is something of an homage to Private Eye's Cyclops, whose clues can get a bit saucy. Solvers seemed to like it, but looking back, this puzzle has a few things I'm not keen on: I was never happy with 8A, 1D strikes me as awkward, and 2D is fine but rather perfunctory. I'm my own worst critic by a long way, though, so give it a try and let me know what you think.
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  • Mike D 4:56 · 2021-11-14T16:47:48.654Z
    Nice one! Lots of fun ones in here but my favorite was HERBS I think
    • tuber constructor · 2021-11-14T22:31:22.391Z
      ACROSS 1 SPAIN - I. 4 Hidden word. 5 anag. BUTCHERS - CUT. 7 alternate letters. 8 NE(S)T // DOWN 1 homophone "C". 2 reversal of STRAP. 3 reversal ON + SE. 4. TH + IN. 6 double definition.
      • Phil The 🤓8:56 · 2021-11-16T08:26:34.154Z
        Nice puzzle - took me a while to parse a couple but that's just me being dumb.
        One I abstracted from country bridge (4)
        1. 1A
          One I abstracted from country bridge (4)
        2. 4A
          Indefinite article obscuring a crop (3)
        3. 5A
          Greenery cut out of butchers' stew (5)
        4. 7A
          Draw twice, unevenly (3)
        5. 8A
          Put one thing inside another: chief shareholder's in profit (4)
        1. 1D
          Read note to get a better understanding (3)
        2. 2D
          Splits belt up? (5)
        3. 3D
          Turned on, with primarily shameful erection (smelly thing) (4)
        4. 4D
          Get home after test match finishes - barely there! (4)
        5. 6D
          Pinched piece (3)