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· By An Ephemeral Collation · Published 2024-05-11T02:00:39.645Z

Constructor's Note
Don't treat the isolated square as a rebus - it's already serving its purpose.
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  • nate 🤓44s · 2024-05-11T05:53:30.356Z
    Aha, very clever!
    • An Ephemeral Collation constructor · 2024-05-11T17:05:02.329Z
      Thank you! I wish there was a cleaner way to execute the gimmick but I'm glad it reads solvably.
    • Eyþór Páll Ólafsson 1:39 · 2024-05-11T17:50:56.826Z
      It was a fun puzzle with fun clues
    • A738840496 2:17 · 2024-05-11T19:49:57.535Z
      Would this have made more sense with an alt answer (“schrodingers”) to have o and i both be correct?
      • An Ephemeral Collation constructor · 2024-05-11T20:25:14.336Z
        I was considering this when initially drafting the concept, but the intention is that the circle in the central square is substitutive for the O. I hope that the puzzle note as well as the cluing was readily demonstrative of this but I can try to make it more apparent if you think it's necessary!
        • elutionary 🤓56s · 2024-05-11T22:31:38.716Z
          Personally, I was able to catch your drift eventually (although I must admit I had to look up 5D...) Fun solve, thank you!
          • A738840496 2:17 · 2024-05-11T23:39:48.259Z
            No just me who didn’t get it! I def see what you meant now
        • Mike D 🤓52s · 2024-05-12T12:42:43.709Z
        • glegger 3:17 · 2024-05-12T21:31:38.209Z
          Love that all the clues require thought.
          • An Ephemeral Collation constructor · 2024-05-13T05:13:10.903Z
            Thank you! I thought that most of them read smoothly but I'm obviously informed by my own biases. Did any of them strike you as unfair or too difficult? I don't construct too often but when I do, I always want my puzzles to play as accessibly and fast as possible.
          Acronym decrying corruption in law enforcement
          1. 1A
            Acronym decrying corruption in law enforcement
          2. 5A
            Rude word or bad spell
          3. 6A
            With 2-D, intersecting (the circle does not belong to this clue)
          4. 7A
            Attorney's burden
          5. 8A
            Sibilant summons
          1. 1D
            New-age surroundings?
          2. 2D
            With 6-A, intersecting (the circle belongs to this clue)
          3. 3D
          4. 4D
            Gershwin gal ("____, You Is My Woman Now")
          5. 5D
            USSR, domestically