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Mini 38

· By Sendhil Revuluri · Published 2024-04-10T22:48:30.044Z

Constructor's Note
There's something different about this puzzle, but it's not unique. Can you tell what it is? Feedback welcome as always.
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  • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-10T22:53:02.433Z
    Surprise! This grid was made entirely with the Crosshare autofiller (I was really tempted to put my thumb on the scale, especially with 8A) and clued totally using the first clue listed by the Crosshare clue suggestion function (which I believe draws from the NYT puzzle database). Thus the cover photo, which was generated by Microsoft Copilot/Designer in Bing. Thoughts? I'd like to believe that it is not as good as my human-constructed puzzles, but you be the judge!
    • heron 1:52 · 2024-04-11T00:25:58.233Z
      wow, i had the craziest red herring. with TYSON, CIANO, ULNAS in place and ___ON for 9A i thought that the twist was that each word would be phonetically the same as its diagonal symmetrical partner (so i thought 9A was "ties on," which sounds like TYSON, its diagonal symmetrical counterpart.) i thought there was a crazy rebus thing going on, but then when this went nowhere, i ended up checking puzzle. what a journey haha
      • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-14T17:31:10.776Z
        That would be an amazing theme/mechanism… though I’m pretty sure it’s both beyond the capacity of any auto-filler, and my own!
      • Jeanne Breen 🤓30s · 2024-04-11T11:44:28.742Z
        Definitely not as good as your own puzzles, Sendhil!
      • Maxish 🤓2:14 · 2024-04-14T03:40:29.336Z
        Not as good as your puzzles. Better than some humans, me for instance.
        • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-14T17:31:25.178Z
          You are too kind!
        Blow one's top
        1. 1A
          Blow one's top
        2. 6A
          Come from behind
        3. 7A
          Best and Ferber
        4. 8A
          Mussolini's son-in-law
        5. 9A
          Attach, in a way
        1. 1D
          Put up
        2. 2D
        3. 3D
          Arm bones
        4. 4D
          Dallas suburb
        5. 5D
          Actress Cicely