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Quick cryptic #1

· By nate · Published 2025-01-05T13:00:40.586Z

Constructor's Note
Each clue starts or ends with a definition of the answer. The rest is one of these types of wordplay:
Anagram: All the right letters are in the clue, just in the wrong order
"Fighter shifted cargo (7)" gives FREIGHT
Charades: Replace words in the clue with synonyms or abbreviations
"Dudes nail scoundrel (6)" gives MENACE
Hidden word: The answer is hidden somewhere in the clue
"Solo reporter covers folk stories (4)" gives LORE
Double definition: Two different definitions of the answer are given
"Token of commitment for gang (4)" gives RING
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  • nate constructor · 2025-01-05T13:00:40.586Z
    I tried to make this accessible for beginners but still fun and somewhat challenging. Feedback is much appreciated!
    1A: butts; hidden in crASS ESsay
    4A: Finds; anagram of LOST ACE
    6A: dress (as wounds); BAND (group of musicians) plus AGE (mature)
    7A: Share/banana dessert; double definition
    1D: impromptu speech; hidden in heAD LIBrarian
    2D: Expresses support for/more food at dinner; double definition
    3D: Leave port; anagram of TIL SEAS
    5D: Napped; anagram of PELTS
    • Martin 4:44 · 2025-01-05T15:07:14.495Z
      Hey @Nate - fantastic puzzle. Really enjoyable. Thank you! If you don't mind, I have a request - I have a YouTube channel called The Cryptic Mystic (1200 subs)( with the aim of demystifying cryptics and helping beginners discover the joy of solving them. I post walkthrough videos of me solving cryptics and explaining my thinking and the wordplay as I go. I also post shorts featuring a clue of the day and explain how it works.
      I think your puzzles would be really popular with my audience. Would you have any objections to me featuring your puzzles in this way? I'd make sure you got full credit and would include links back to you here and would work to any restrictions you gave me - e.g. maybe featuring only older puzzles etc
      I look forward to hearing your thoughts - you can email me if you prefer cryptictokmystic at All the best Martin
      • nate constructor · 2025-01-05T21:32:48.216Z
        Hi Martin - that sounds wonderful, I'd be more than happy for you to feature any of my puzzles! Sorry to hear about your situation with the Telegraph, hopefully it turns out to be a blessing in disguise for the channel!
        • Martin 4:44 · 2025-01-05T23:52:28.319Z
          Fantastic! Thank you Nate! Yes I believe it will be a blessing in disguise. I'm very excited about the direction the channel will take on 2025. I'll let you know when I feature one of your puzzles. Hopefully I'll send some eager solvers your way. All the best!
      • mjenki 🤓2:42 · 2025-01-05T14:55:28.633Z
        Great puzzle! I love the idea of cryptics but find I struggle with harder ones. This was a great balance!
        • nate constructor · 2025-01-05T21:18:34.893Z
          Thank you, balancing the difficulty can be tough so I'm glad to hear that feedback!
        • Jake A 🤓1:46 · 2025-01-05T15:14:50.744Z
          Lovely! These are accessible as they are clever. Well done!
          • James Moir 🤓2:59 · 2025-01-05T16:40:44.551Z
            • snag 🤓2:17 · 2025-01-05T16:48:00.942Z
              very well done!
              • AuLeaf 🤓57s · 2025-01-05T18:08:11.084Z
                Nice :)
                • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓1:26 · 2025-01-06T00:45:17.077Z
                  Loved it — very much appreciated both the accessibility and the beginner tag! Look forward to more!
                  • nate constructor · 2025-01-06T03:01:43.757Z
                    Thanks Sendhil! I'm hoping to put out one of these each week alongside my regular minis.
                  • JeffsPuzzles 🤓1:34 · 2025-01-06T14:53:24.505Z
                    Smooth and fun - thanks!
                    • ash 🤓2:55 · 2025-01-09T06:21:06.743Z
                      lovely puzzle! 2d and 3d are real gems
                      • nate constructor · 2025-01-09T07:59:41.353Z
                        thank you!
                      • Zack Johnson 🤓1:18 · 2025-01-09T18:04:04.487Z
                        Neat. This'll be a great one to share with newer solvers!
                        • The Noah 🤓3:04 · 2025-01-13T06:54:55.479Z
                          • Melanie Branton 🤓1:27 · 2025-01-22T17:02:40.418Z
                            Another great one. I'm not a beginner, so it wasn't too challenging, but it was still fun and not too easy
                            Crass essay about butts (5)
                            1. 1A
                              Crass essay about butts (5)
                            2. 4A
                              Finds lost ace ripped to shreds (7)
                            3. 6A
                              Group of musicians with mature dress (7)
                            4. 7A
                              Share banana dessert (5)
                            1. 1D
                              Head librarian holds impromptu speech (2,3)
                            2. 2D
                              Expresses support for more food at dinner (7)
                            3. 3D
                              Leave port 'til seas getting wild (3,4)
                            4. 5D
                              Napped pelts put through the ringer (5)