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Mini 41

· By Sendhil Revuluri · Published 2024-04-17T13:11:33.600Z

Constructor's Note
A couple stretches in the fill, but hope it's acceptable overall. Feedback welcome as always!
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  • JeffsPuzzles 🤓51s · 2024-04-17T16:32:48.924Z
    Nice! I thought the fill was fine - TINEAS is obscure but gettable. As a vegetarian most of the time (I do eat fish occasionally) I've tried to like SEITAN and TEMPEH but have never found a good recipe.
    • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-17T21:53:46.140Z
      Thank you for solving and the feedback! I am a much better eater than a cook. My usual first veggie cookbook recommendation is How to Cook Everything Vegetarian by Bittman, but for Seitan in particular I think Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz & Terry Hope Romero is likely better. I never used to like tempeh, but it's grown on me.
    • kurtalert 2:00 · 2024-04-17T19:05:13.894Z
      I don't get 3D - that's new to me. Had to rack my brain for the vegan foods. Found them stored in a dusty corner behind a bookshelf.
      • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-17T21:54:25.543Z
        I only recently learned of AMARNA (and I was surprised I hadn't heard of it sooner, it seems pretty important in the archaeological scheme of things). Thanks for solving!
        • kurtalert 2:00 · 2024-04-17T23:55:20.189Z
          Ooops! Hah. By 3D... I really meant 4D! Although 3D was totally new to me. While SPLEEN is obviously a familiar word, that's an unusual way of cluing it- I just don't get that reference.
          • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-18T01:09:10.776Z
            Thanks! It’s definitely not my first thought either, but I took my cue from it being a really common cluing in NYT puzzles. (It was used a lot in this sense in Everything Is Illuminated.) Maybe I should change it to my original idea of “Red cell recycler”?
      • AuLeaf 🤓2:21 · 2024-04-17T19:29:58.486Z
        naticked by 9a, 10a, 3d, 5d; ended up googling 3d
        • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-17T21:55:00.352Z
          Oof, that sounds like a rough solve. Sorry and thanks for the effort! (But Googling is totally fine in my book. They're puzzles, not exams!)
          • AuLeaf 🤓2:21 · 2024-04-18T19:49:47.983Z
            I'm always reluctant but sometimes it's necessary `^^
        • Larry Edelstein 🤓43s · 2024-04-18T00:08:01.387Z
          AMARNA the only Natick there for me.
          • Sendhil Revuluri constructor · 2024-04-18T01:09:27.934Z
            Thanks for solving!
          1. 1A
          2. 6A
            Vegan Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans
          3. 8A
            And others: Lat.
          4. 9A
            Stops in Strasbourg?
          5. 10A
            Diseases treated by dermatologists (also known as ringworm, but actually caused by fungi)
          6. 11A
          1. 1D
            Really bothered (2 wds.)
          2. 2D
            Like meters, kilograms, or liters
          3. 3D
            Archaeological site established by Akhenaten where cuneiform tablets were discovered
          4. 4D
          5. 5D
            Savory wheat-based vegan food often with a dense texture
          6. 7D
            ___ fit (tantrum)