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Riddle-cryptic 9

· By Hydrologist Guy · Published 2024-01-27T16:31:34.311Z

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  • Alexandra 🤓3:48 · 2024-02-21T11:32:39.705Z
    Imagery in 6A is 🤌🏻. Thank you!
    There's a few of these in this clue; don't doubt it. / I'll write a piece in the paper about it!
    1. 1A
      There's a few of these in this clue; don't doubt it. / I'll write a piece in the paper about it!
    2. 5A
      If someone says that yours is bad, / They don't mean your father's mother. / They mean the way you take your words / And connect them to each other.
    3. 6A
      The colonel sports a curtain of fringe / To impress his rapt beholder. / Part the fringe -- what do you see? The colonel's boring shoulder.
    1. 1D
      He ran against George B. and lost; / He warns of global warming. / His curtailed name sounds like this gunk / That in ponds is often forming.
    2. 2D
      The silversmith crafts a masterpiece / For the queen of the realm. (Yes, for her.) / The item, when finished, is exquisite and regal -- / A crowning achievement, for sure!
    3. 3D
      This cow's mad at that cow / Are feelings hurt? Yes, very! / A perfect place for this other beast, / Since it's quite the "drama dairy".
    4. 4D
      You'll find yourself with a ruing word / If you add an R to this water bird.