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· By AuLeaf · Published 2024-11-11T05:01:26.057Z

Constructor's Note
I wouldn't recommend solving downs-only on this one.
I came up with this one on Discord a few years ago; although I can't find the post now, so the clues are probably different. (Especially the down clues, which were originally much shorter.) Very silly, but fun to compose :)
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  • Jimmy Blank Jones 🤓56s · 2024-11-12T23:37:05.626Z
    The Stick of Truth saved me 🙏 (that’s amazing puzzle unabbreviated)
    • AuLeaf constructor · 2024-11-13T01:04:00.805Z
      Glad you liked it! Congrats on the sub-minute solve :tada:
    • mbingo 🤓1:00 · 2024-11-13T20:33:16.788Z
      Wow, very cool! In the end, I actually did primarily solve downs only 😅
      • AuLeaf constructor · 2024-11-14T06:00:00.400Z
        Downs-only is fun in a way, because it's like re-constructing it :)
        • AuLeaf constructor · 2024-11-14T06:11:45.142Z
          (well plus there might be logic from the recursive aspect now that it's not just "1D Number, 2D Number, 3D Number")
          • AuLeaf constructor · 2024-11-14T06:15:02.048Z
            *and 4D number" I can count i swear
          • David Altizio 🤓46s · 2024-11-14T04:27:21.822Z
            Also got saved by 1A, haha. Good stuff
            • AuLeaf constructor · 2024-11-14T06:03:49.683Z
              it's definitely the easiest clue, provided you know the game! (otherwise it's just a random string of letters 😛)
            • Jessica 1:25 · 2024-11-21T05:14:46.028Z
              Good theme, thanks. I liked 5A, 6A
              • AuLeaf constructor · 2024-11-22T03:32:06.290Z
              South Park RPG followed by TFbW
              1. 1A
                South Park RPG followed by TFbW
              2. 5A
                Red or white, but not blue
              3. 6A
                Cattle that might be free at Olly's?
              1. 1D
                Number of single-letter Roman numerals in this grid (including repeats)
              2. 2D
                Number of single-letter abbreviations for cardinal directions in this grid (including repeats)
              3. 3D
                Number of atomic symbols for tungsten in this grid (including repeats)
              4. 4D
                Number of 3D-point Scrabble letters in this grid (including repeats)