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Riddle-cryptic 42

· By Hydrologist Guy · Published 2024-09-01T14:50:12.514Z

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  • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓53s · 2024-09-01T21:21:36.114Z
    Fun, thank you!
    • Hydrologist Guy constructor · 2024-09-02T00:09:25.789Z
      Thanks! They're fun to make!
    • sabrina 🤓1:25 · 2024-09-02T02:07:46.592Z
      I really like this format!
      • Teresa Koster 🤓2:42 · 2024-09-02T01:59:05.872Z
        I liked this one!
        If, through some magic, all seas became land, and likewise, all land became seas, / What was once a canal would now become this. (And the kelp would be changed into trees!)
        1. 1A
          If, through some magic, all seas became land, and likewise, all land became seas, / What was once a canal would now become this. (And the kelp would be changed into trees!)
        2. 5A
          1) That which is happy tends to stay happy. 2) The force of love accelerates a kiss. / 3) Sad affects happy, but happy affects sad. (These are Newton's Three Laws of this.)
        3. 6A
          If you have a process complex and involved, one that, to finish, might take day and night. / Use this word to describe it; it works really well. (And "heighty" or "widthy" don't sound quite right!)
        1. 1D
          While you're passing out cards at the beginning of a card game you will play, / You might say these two words out loud. (Why, it's the perfect thing to say!)
        2. 2D
          That fourth ornithologist, while scouting a bird, trudged through a lush bed of roses. / He picked up and still carries this sharp, spiky thing. (It's gotta still hurt, one supposes.)
        3. 3D
          "O" looks like a droplet that's a-floating in the mist / To form a word for "damp", one that means "by wetness kissed".
        4. 4D
          If your outlook is called this, then you're not that often blue. / Strangely, though, when it's this outside, blue is the color in view!