1A: Dr.: "extremes of" M[ullhollan]D around E[raser] + IC (“I see”) 4A: Times 2: NEWCITY* ("needs a new perspective") [-ny] ("drops New York") 5A: NASA crossover?: F {ur -> L[onel]Y} BY 1D: Returning art piece?: {n->M}OT IF 2D: Place where cows are: m ("a bit of milk") removed from [-m]YRIAD< 3D: beef jerky is made this way: C[olumnist] + HEW ("to chip away at") + Y ("why")
4A: Times 2: NEWCITY* ("needs a new perspective") [-ny] ("drops New York")
5A: NASA crossover?: F {ur -> L[onel]Y} BY
1D: Returning art piece?: {n->M}OT IF
2D: Place where cows are: m ("a bit of milk") removed from [-m]YRIAD<
3D: beef jerky is made this way: C[olumnist] + HEW ("to chip away at") + Y ("why")