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Brad's 3rd Midi: World Power

◆◆ · By n0hk · Published 2023-07-13T02:46:09.438Z

Constructor's Note
This grid was tested by Liari, JackH, Skald, MP, Juff & Rubix.
When I started writing crosswords, I wasn't very good at breaking up words and defaulted to honking great anagrams. Since then, I've had constant encouragement and advice from better crossworders, and I've gotten better at breaking up words into smaller pieces.
I fear that I've swung too far the different way, and that this grid might have too many "bits and pieces" constructions which can be tiresome in a different way. That being said, I'm still quite proud of this grid - especially 1D. But not as proud as I am of the doyens of MP's discord who're starting to gain wider recognition and getting their crosswords published in places like The Independent.
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  • merlinnimue 38:19 · 2023-07-13T23:19:42.605Z
    Good puzzle with cute nina, still way above my pay grade (which is still zero, so that says nothing). Definitely took me far far longer than I would've liked and sorry to say your favorite clue is the one that took me down. Still, glad to hear that all of you geniuses are ascending to new heights (hopefully I don't drag you all down too much... can't be helped I guess).
    • n0hk constructor · 2023-07-14T05:33:23.786Z
      Thanks for the kind words! 1D is a bit of a hard one as it's an uncommon word and it's not immediately obvious what it's doing -- and the crossers you end up with aren't the most helpful.
      But you alone took as much time as all the smarties who tested it; which I think means you're as smart as Liari, Jack, Skald, MP, Juff & Rubix combined ;)
    Built up remnants of detritus inside wine barrel? (4)
    1. 6A
      Made fun of ordinary men expressing love about adverts on a regular basis (6)
    2. 7A
      Spymaster inspires hotshot to reach the pinnacle (4)
    3. 8A
      Rock group with focus on embracing sin (primarily sloth) returns (4)
    4. 9A
      Ump at an International cricket match goes arse-over-head approaching the stump? (6)
    5. 10A
      Scheming group welcome Jack into California (5)
    6. 12A
      Leaders of bonspiel pan ice in place for curling (5)
    7. 15A
      Protective equipment of Reverend cycling around city after end of workweek (6)
    8. 17A
      No longer sure of tactic? (4)
    9. 19A
      When deprioritising work gets cut down (4)
    10. 20A
      Obligation on the French to insult (6)
    1. 1D
      Built up remnants of detritus inside wine barrel? (4)
    2. 2D
      Odysseus departed from here with a cat stowing away (6)
    3. 3D
      Modify corrupted data to include essential part of input (5)
    4. 4D
      Surprise action of ChatGPT potentially interrupts research and development (4)
    5. 5D
      Intern's case of improper termination from office netting millions, supported by union (6)
    6. 11D
      Some tops reportedly mock former partners (6)
    7. 13D
      The Voice of Hawaii airs broadcast covering the origins of Easy Listening (6)
    8. 14D
      Bowl an over on The Ashes' outset (5)
    9. 16D
      One with a penchant for breaking pottery in malfunctioning kiln (4)
    10. 18D
      Convinced obnoxious person to accept loss (4)