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My first attempt at a cryptic

· By Alex Peebles-Capin · Published 2024-06-27T20:09:59.246Z

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  • Aaron Riccio 🤓10:17 · 2024-06-27T23:29:12.659Z
    Super ambitious to have your first cryptic be a stack of interlocking 10s! It's a very pretty grid, fairly checked, and you've got some good entries—but there's also a bunch of broken "rules" that you might not be aware of.
    1A: The two meanings here are too similar, a shared root: it's cheap meat FOR the savings.
    6A: This is a pretty good clue! The surface is a little stuff, but [disordered] fits with the idea of one person going first.
    7A: This one's better at avoiding the shared roots, but I think STRAPS is still evoking the same thing in both senses. I like the surface sense though!
    8A: One of the rules I would advise following is that if it's a word in your answer, it shouldn't be in your clue (unless it's broken up differently). So [The] for THE isn't great. The rest is pretty good, though I don't know that the surface sense means much.
    9A: Audaciously difficult to use [infecundity] for erectile dysfunction: nothing wrong with that if it's your intention, but I don't know that it adds much to the surface. Beyond that, [hole] is I think another shared root.
    1D: Solid cryptic grammar; again, the question to ask is what does the surface itself mean?
    2D: As with 1D, great wordplay, but the surface is a bit of a stretch. (I can sort of envision it though!)
    3D: I'm cautious about using proper names; I don't know if there's enough of difference with the idiom for this clue to surprise the solver.
    4D: I like this kind of wordplay, and I think PICK avoids double-definition, but there are some setters who would say if you have a two-word phrase, you should try to break it not into the same two words.
    5D: I guess the quarterback is the singular [Intruder] here? I might quibble about whether [trio] means TRE but I think this is a great idea!
    I hope the feedback's helpful/wanted. As I said, you took some very ambitious/impressive swings here, and I'm excited to see what else you come up with!
    • Alex Peebles-Capin constructor · 2024-07-02T18:31:12.926Z
      Thanks for the feedback! I think this will be helpful for any future efforts. Especially avoiding shared roots.
      One thing - for 5D, the straight clue is Intruder and the Spanish trio is TRES and the quarterback is PASSER. Does that make any more sense?
      • Aaron Riccio 🤓10:17 · 2024-07-02T22:42:11.200Z
        Sorry, was a typo on my end (no edit feature): I don't know Spanish that well, but while THREE = TRES, I don't think TRIO does (I think that's actually just still TRIO).
    • Jake A 12:11 · 2024-07-01T01:28:44.601Z
      Well done! Great first showing!
    Cheap meat for savings (6, 4)
    1. 1A
      Cheap meat for savings (6, 4)
    2. 6A
      Disordered gossip, first lady went first (10)
    3. 7A
      Get rid of the ties! They stand in for an elegant use of resources (10)
    4. 8A
      The interim office worker shortened guess for Shakespeare play (3, 7)
    5. 9A
      French in hole with infecundity, dug in deep (10)
    1. 1D
      Frame the end of a cigarette next to a hospital department with moisturizing cream (4, 6)
    2. 2D
      Lies! Attack darling Eastern pig home (10)
    3. 3D
      All tied up, including Crowder (4, 6)
    4. 4D
      Choose selectively: fruit and a guitar implement (6, 4)
    5. 5D
      Intruder! Spanish trio and a quarterback! (10)