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My first double-plusword

· By The Noah · Published 2024-07-02T14:22:53.678Z

Constructor's Note
Normal wordle rules apply. Wordle goes down and across. Let me know if I’ve done this right.
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  • kurtalert 🤓1:07 · 2024-07-02T15:18:27.767Z
    You did it right! Thanks!
    • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-02T17:15:47.458Z
    • SamuRai 🤓3:44 · 2024-07-02T17:11:17.336Z
      That works for me. I’d have @sylveon weigh in as she is the expert at these. I think hers have the additional restriction that the “color” of a square is the same for both the horizontal and vertical wordles. This is an extra layer of difficulty in construction but lets her shade the squares on the grid using the highlight option during construction. While it would then be nice to have two different highlights, that is beyond the current crosshare capabilities.
      That said, I see it as a stylistic choice rather than a requirement for a double plusword puzzle. Nice job. P.S. I think the clue for SERF should be written in the singular: Land-worker; practically a slave, rather than in the plural.
      Much enjoyed.
      • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-02T17:18:12.686Z
        Thanks for catching the typo and the feedback. I’ve seen that, but couldn’t get it to work without the answer being both obvious and the same word twice. Settled on findung words that were solvable but required using wordle logic bc in all honesty I think my gf will enjoy that more.
        • SamuRai 🤓3:44 · 2024-07-03T02:11:19.023Z
          Definitely play to your target audience. I think the key to making double plus words that work well is to figure out words with overlapping letters that can be under specified and still give a unique solution. For example, SPE?L must be SPELL and PLE_S must be PLEAS. You can also use letters marked as not in the word to limit the possibilities. PE?LS can be either PEALS or PEELS. If the double E is eliminated by the grid you get a unique solution.
          FWIW, I’ve had these sorts of construction ideas kicking around my head since doing the double plus number puzzle because with numbers you are unable to take advantage of the dictionary reducing the possibilities and thus I’m considering making ones with partial clues on the wordle solutions to perform the role of limiting the set of valid combinations.
          • SylveonSoulmate 🤓3:22 · 2024-07-03T02:43:56.674Z
            Yes, double letters are helpful. Although, the disadvantage of that is that the grid ends up being very sparse in terms of colouring and the puzzle becomes very hard.
            • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-03T14:16:00.241Z
              That number puzzle was my favorite that you’ve made.
              • SamuRai 🤓3:44 · 2024-07-03T15:52:12.986Z
                Always good to know what the audience likes. If I might ask, was it the format or the cluing that particularly appealed to you?
                • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-03T17:15:33.212Z
                  The cluing I think
        • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓59s · 2024-07-02T17:32:47.179Z
          Fun, thank you! (I think it was right!)
          • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-03T17:15:44.327Z
          • SylveonSoulmate 🤓3:22 · 2024-07-02T23:28:04.094Z
            Yep, it is right. Fun puzzle to play as well, I enjoyed it.
            As for the colours of across and down being the same, @samurai has already addressed that. I think it would be nice to have as it is less confusing + it helps with the solve sometimes, but I have played puzzles before that are still enjoyable without the restriction. (for example, the 6 by 6 double plusword by @jerms)
            • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-03T14:17:25.020Z
              Hmm. I wonder what the biggest double plusword is 🤔
              • SylveonSoulmate 🤓3:22 · 2024-07-04T02:32:08.033Z
                I do remember a 7 by 7 plusword, not sure if there is a 7 by 7 double plusword yet though
            • Jess 🤓2:14 · 2024-07-03T06:23:19.267Z
              Fun, thanks!
              • The Noah constructor · 2024-07-03T14:17:33.906Z
                Thanks for playing
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