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Riddle-cryptic 41 (Back from hiatus...)

· By Hydrologist Guy · Published 2024-08-25T12:56:20.463Z

Constructor's Note
3-down is based on a true story, while 7-across, also self-referential, is not!
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  • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓56s · 2024-08-25T13:00:21.061Z
    Welcome back!
    • Womble 🤓1:24 · 2024-08-25T17:13:10.108Z
      Very interesting format, thanks!
      • lukadisgre 🤓2:22 · 2024-08-25T19:10:37.255Z
        Very cute format! Glad you're back :)
        • Glenn Scheyd 🤓2:18 · 2024-08-26T00:53:53.521Z
          Good to have you back.
          • Teresa Koster 🤓2:11 · 2024-08-26T02:51:00.272Z
            Yay, you’re back!!
            If someone, for some reason, says this word out loud, this word for an African trip, / Don't follow it up with "So goodie!" -- Such a pun would merit the whip!
            1. 1A
              If someone, for some reason, says this word out loud, this word for an African trip, / Don't follow it up with "So goodie!" -- Such a pun would merit the whip!
            2. 5A
              It's what you do when you take a can and toss it in a blue bin. / Or could it mean, after riding your bike, to ride your bike again?
            3. 6A
              It's a planar shape, defined by two foci, but here's what amazes me: / It's sort of the shape that's made by your lips when you say the letter "E".
            4. 7A
              I have this condition, so my pupils are small, and my eyes fall well short of "fine". / And yet with some pride, let me say this: This "osis" is mine! All mine!
            1. 1D
              Long ago, the story goes, a certain man named Reet / Performed many a wondrous act and many a magical feat. / They made him a saint, saying that his powers were divine. / And they gave his name to this roadway type. (You'll see it on many a sign!)
            2. 2D
              A word for a group of professionals, used at colleges far and wide. / Could it be that this group's a cult? (I mean, "cult" does appear inside...)
            3. 3D
              I mispronounced this cookbook word as I read it off the page. / I thought it rhymed with "retypes". (I was very young in age!)
            4. 4D
              They're devices used to measure, and they're units used to measure short distances here and about. / In a way, the word might also refer to those who apportion things out.