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2x2 rebus cryptic

· By Kookoo · Published 2024-05-31T05:07:06.932Z

Constructor's Note
Use the rebus feature by hitting ESC; each square has two letters. This does not reflect my political views, lol. Inspired by @dooiemus (go check out their puzzle, it was really fun
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  • Devoid 42s · 2024-05-31T06:54:37.181Z
    These are some good clues, but there is a very minor flaw with 1D: unfortunately EN is for some reason not a valid abbreviation for English, with E and ENG being the only valid ones. It’s a shame because 1D is otherwise a great clue with an excellent surface reading. Hopefully there will be a full list of cryptic abbreviations available on Crosshare soon, but until then you could either use a dictionary like Chambers or this (not entirely comprehensive) list on Cryptipedia:
    • Aaron Riccio 🤓35s · 2024-05-31T07:31:38.799Z
      Agreed, solid! You could get EN with [lacking space] or something like that, but that's the trick of cryptics, right? Making all the elements work in a clear, clean surface.
      • Kookoo constructor · 2024-05-31T09:11:08.686Z
        Argh, I knew I should have listened my my testsolvers. Thanks for the advice and kind words!
      • The Noah 🤓48s · 2024-05-31T17:07:20.371Z
        Very clever clues!
        • dooiemus 👇13s · 2024-06-10T19:58:26.019Z
          Cool puz!
          • Kookoo constructor · 2024-06-10T21:56:21.159Z
            It's you! :O
          Wealthy republican becoming liberal corrupted wizard (4)
          1. 1A
            Wealthy republican becoming liberal corrupted wizard (4)
          2. 3A
            Red sign with crooked post (4)
          1. 1D
            Record what the audience does without English (4)
          2. 2D
            Conservative bunny movement cut short (4)