Your crossword puzzles deserve to get shared

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Crosshare changed the way I share my puzzles. The analytics allow me to better understand which parts of my grids are most difficult for solvers. It's a big part of why WWMC started and is still running today.
Will Pfadenhauer of Pandora's Blocks Weekly Meta Crossword

It's 100% free

Sharing puzzles on Crosshare is always free. You can publish as many puzzles as you'd like and share with them with as many solvers as you can find.

Make your .puz files interactive

If you're only publishing .puz and .pdf files, you're missing out on a bunch of potential solvers. Crosshare instantly gives your puzzle a home on the web and expands your audience.

All shapes and sizes are welcome

Crosshare supports grids of any size. The interface is optimized to fit as large a grid (and as many clues) as possible on any device your solvers are using.

An app-like experience

Crosshare's solving interface is mobile-first and makes solving your puzzle as smooth as butter on desktops, tablets, and phones. Almost 50% of solvers are using mobile devices - don't let a poor interface keep them from solving your puzzles. Crosshare also supports dark mode, grid highlighting and tooltips for referenced entries, and more best-in-class features.

Crosswords are social

Crosshare puzzles are made to share. Our search engine optimization and social tags will get as many people solving your puzzle as possible. Social media posts automatically include grid preview images, puzzle titles, and teaser clues.

Advanced analytics

As a constructor, you get access to advanced analytics about your puzzle. Find out how many people solve your puzzle, how long it takes them, and view heatmaps of exactly which cells they get stuck on.

An instant crossword blog

After publishing a puzzle you can reserve your own URL and instantly create a crossword blog. You get a centralized page to share and talk about all of your puzzles. Commenting is enabled from the start and Crosshare is the only place where comments feature solve times, clue tooltips, and other crossword specific features.

First class meta puzzle support

Crosshare is the only puzzle host that has built in support for meta/contest crosswords including submission tracking, a leaderboard, and detailed statistics.

Dead simple embedding

Any of your puzzles can be embedded on another site with just a few clicks.

Barred grids

Barred crosswords (and combinations of bars and blocks) have first class support in the constructor and the solving interface.

Schrödinger puzzles and bidirectional rebuses

Crosshare also natively supports puzzles with an arbitrary number of valid solutions. The alternate solutions are shown to the solver after the grid is complete to make sure they have the aha moment.

Don’t have a .puz file to upload?

Make your own puzzle with the Crosshare constructor