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Jake’s Mini Cryptic #15

· Di Jake A · Pubblicato 2024-02-02T20:48:27.625Z

Constructor's Note
Thanks for giving this one a whirl! I appreciate all feedback. Happy Solving!
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  • merlinnimue 🤓2:29 · 2024-02-02T21:48:10.779Z
    almost said 5a a few times, but i persisted... getting this without using a (formal) check seems like 1a... nice and tough, 4a much liked it, thanks
    • Jake A costruttore · 2024-02-02T22:14:52.247Z
      Lovely! Glad you soldiered through, Merlin. Thanks for solving it!
    • Oliver Hardy 🤓3:14 · 2024-02-02T22:49:39.348Z
      Thanks for posting. 3D "zebra" for "ref" is not common in the UK. 1A Puzzled by "Not just a". 4A I can't see how you got IVO. 5A I'm unhappy with "I quit" as a synonym for UNCLE
      • nate 🤓3:37 · 2024-02-03T04:37:39.232Z
        My interpretation is:
        1A: “Not just a” is THE (as in “not just A blank, but THE blank”).
        4A: “A” is I (as in one), and vo is an abbreviation for “verso” (the left-hand page)
        • Jake A costruttore · 2024-02-03T14:22:33.478Z
          Yep! Thanks, Nate!
        • Jake A costruttore · 2024-02-03T05:16:38.293Z
          Thanks, Oliver! 3D: It's a term I've heard often enough and am comfortable using it in the clue. 1A: Similarly, "not just A but THE" is a common enough phrase used to emphasize the singularity or gravity of person or thing. 4A: Here, the "a" refers to the I, then the "left handed" refers to the VO, shorthand for verso, i.e., the left-hand page ( 5A: I hear you. In my experience, one crying UNCLE is understood to be giving up or quitting.
        • Hector 🤓4:23 · 2024-02-02T22:30:46.404Z
          Does OVI mean ovation? Or...?
        Not just a Financial Times embezzlement (5)
        1. 1A
          Not just a Financial Times embezzlement (5)
        2. 4A
          A left-hand railway is an illegal trade (5)
        3. 5A
          I quit endless nuclear mayhem (5)
        1. 2D
          Without direction, heaven remains a safe place (5)
        2. 3D
          The French zebra returns undomesticated (5)