I am releasing this as a non-MEOW simply because I had an earlier puzzle that depended somewhat on the Big Bang Theory (hereafter BBT) and some people were upset because they had not watched it. Being a BBT geek I was amazed since most everyone I know watched it but apparently that was not a good sampling of the entire population.
This one depends a LOT on being a BBT fan so to head off criticism let me say:
You will probably HAVE to be a BBT fan to solve this; my test solvers who were not were stumped, my test solve who was got it very quickly.
So, if you are a BBT fan take a swing at it, heck even if you are not, take a swing at it...
I will check back and if there is little or no traffic I'll post some nudges too.
I guarantee the answer is NOT Bazinga!!!
This one is hard to nudge because it kind of relies on you noticing something a BBT geek (like me) probably would, but let me try...
Nudge 1] This answer has 5 components, and they are symmetric.
Nudge 2] These symmetric components are clued so generically they almost beg for another answer.
Nudge 3] Those other answers are NOT in the grid but are synonyms of the component whose clue is really pushing for the answer that will help you solve.
Nudge 4] You and a friend are standing in the woods shown in the graphic, one of you is going to take one while the other takes the one remaining. How might you choose who takes which one?
Nudge 5] This one you are going to have to figure out, but if you do you will find the answer easily: STEE 25 (yeah I know, but trust me it is a GREAT nudge)