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Brand-New Fencing Comedy

· Di cassidy cypress · Pubblicato 2024-08-25T20:26:52.446Z

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  • e a 🤓2:16 · 2024-08-25T21:50:06.128Z
    nice one, loved 7A!
    • cassidy cypress costruttore · 2024-08-25T20:28:42.195Z
      thanks for solving my first cryptic! in-depth explanations of each answer:
      1A: frantic PREMIER (governor) -> PERIMER, around ET (alien) = PERIM- + ET + -ER, which draws (writes) the word PERIMETER (boundary)
      5A: MANIACAL (crazy), obfuscated -> ALMANIAC, information-less = i-less -> ALMANAC (book)
      7A: FORCES, confounded -> FEROCS, taking on IOU (debt) = FEROC- + IOU + -S = FEROCIOUS (violent)
      8A: YEAR (a long time), before NORTHERNER, without central letters (heartless) -> NER = YEARNER (piner, one who pines/yearns)
      9A: TEST, awry -> STTE, with reverse AC (current) -> CA inside, + REDO without O (oxygen) -> RED = S- + CA + -TTE + RED = SCATTERED (disorganized)
      1D: P (piano, quiet) + LA (Los Angeles, city) + T (time) + FORMS (shapes) = PLATFORMS (train stations)
      2D: RELIGIOUS, at first -> RE, + MARTYR, confused -> MARTRY, abandons T (cross) -> MARRY = REMARRY (to find new spouse)
      3D: MINT (brand-new), surrounding (fencing) FARCE (comedy), upended -> ECRAF = MIN- + ECRAF + -T = MINECRAFT (popular video game)
      4D: READ, around (about) flipped (capsized) USS (Yank ship) -> SSU, + RE (concerning) = REA- + SSU + RE + -D = REASSURED (feeling better)
      6D: ONCE, tossed -> CONE, around OR, turned -> RO, + R (right) = C- + RO + -ONE + R = CROONER (singer)
      • ash 🤓25:49 · 2024-08-29T09:53:27.461Z
        loved this! and I appreciate the explainers as someone new to cryptics :)
        Boundary drawn by frantic governor around alien (9)
        1. 1A
          Boundary drawn by frantic governor around alien (9)
        2. 5A
          Crazy, obfuscated, information-less book (7)
        3. 7A
          Violent forces confounded, taking on debt (9)
        4. 8A
          A long time before heartless northerner becomes piner (7)
        5. 9A
          Disorganized test went awry, interior current reversed, redo without oxygen (9)
        1. 1D
          Quiet city time shapes train stations (9)
        2. 2D
          Religious at first, confused martyr abandons cross to find new spouse (7)
        3. 3D
          Brand-new fencing comedy upended popular video game (9)
        4. 4D
          Feeling better? Read about capsized Yank ship, concerning! (9)
        5. 6D
          Singer once tossed around or turned right (7)