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Costruisci un Cruciverba


· Di kieranjboyd · Pubblicato 2021-12-16T22:02:51.224Z

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  • Mike D 🤓37s · 2021-12-16T22:28:42.777Z
    Aw sorry to hear about Daisy's little problem, but I'm glad she still gets her spot in bed!
    • kieranjboyd costruttore · 2021-12-17T02:08:05.079Z
      • dianyx 🤓56s · 2021-12-17T23:01:16.177Z
        also leaves a spot in her bed D:
      • lee 🤓46s · 2021-12-16T23:08:28.920Z
        Fun puzzle! Please pet Daisy on my behalf, she sounds like a good girl :)
        • kieranjboyd costruttore · 2021-12-17T02:07:54.130Z
          Done! She said thankyou, and then fell asleep :)
        • GatoDiablo 🤓1:38 · 2021-12-17T01:44:12.544Z
          Daisy is the best!
          • kieranjboyd costruttore · 2021-12-17T02:28:08.008Z
            Agreed! 15/10!
            • GatoDiablo 🤓1:38 · 2021-12-17T03:47:17.959Z
              15/10 would give head pats
          • Luc 🤓1:50 · 2021-12-17T15:17:34.779Z
            Sweet Daisy! I have a 16 year old pup who's also starting to struggle similarly
            • kieranjboyd costruttore · 2021-12-17T22:16:24.325Z
              Thank goodness they've got us to help out!
            • Kent D 🤓1:48 · 2021-12-18T03:10:54.893Z
              Yay Daisy! I recently lost a husky I was more of a best friend with than a dad to, but now we have a new 2-year-old crazy boy who hasn't quite mastered that same 3 down issue. If you've seen The Santa Clause 2 you'll know why we named him Chet 🤣
              Even though our greyhound Daisy is almost 12 years old, we still call her this
              1. 1A
                Even though our greyhound Daisy is almost 12 years old, we still call her this
              2. 4A
                Geordie's bottom?
              3. 5A
                Ralph Lauren paid this (at least once) back in 2013 to circumvent Argentinean customs
              4. 6A
                You almost certainly have at least one of these, but so do potatoes and hurricanes
              5. 7A
                What I am to our 1A, in the adoptive sense
              1. 1D
                Used leverage, or snooped for leverage
              2. 2D
                It can take three attempts to insert these correctly, somehow
              3. 3D
                What our poor old 1A might do in her 5D overnight, much to the dismay of her 7A
              4. 4D
                Fictional Stark
              5. 5D
                Our 1A's favourite place (right by her 7A's feet)