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Midi Cryptic 1

◆◆ · Di dilly · Pubblicato 2024-06-28T12:16:32.183Z

Constructor's Note
First midi cryptic. You may find the definitions in the down clues a bit unhelpful, but keep working at it and you may smell a theme.
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  • Aaron Riccio 🤓7:38 · 2024-06-28T12:45:07.416Z
    Very cute, and this style of cluing would also fit in nicely for a variety puzzle in which you only provide wordplay for some of the clues. I was stuck on 2D for a while because BLEU is also correct in both senses, and 7A was tough E+Y(E+B+E)AMS. I think 12A is wonderful and I think 11A's tricky [before half] works but maybe merits a ? Fun!
    • AuLeaf 🤓5:44 · 2024-06-28T23:04:07.613Z
      yeah I had to think over how 7A works. somehow I forgot there were two spellings for 2D! got lucky there, i guess. i think something like "Smell of waffles before heart transplant's onset" might be better for 11A? i don't think midpoint is really synonymous with "half"...
      • Aaron Riccio 🤓7:38 · 2024-06-29T00:53:16.337Z
        From an editorial standpoint, I tend to allow grammatical smudging if it doesn't make the clue too hard and it helps the surface. I also think that if this were a lift-and-separate as [halftime] I would've balked. That said, there are certainly other ways to get there—sort of the beauty of cryptics, and what you'll see in this week's cryptic clue contest over on the Crosshare Discord. But something like [Smell of waffle cut in half with slice of toast (4)] isn't as succinct, y'know? The variations are endless!
    • dilly costruttore · 2024-06-28T12:16:32.183Z
      4A: HAI (yes, in Japanese) + R (“are” in texting, i.e. “for the phone”)
      6A: LO “look” + AF “as f**k”=extremely, short (abbreviated) and vulgar
      7A: E[nergy] + E[nhanced] B[y] E[nzyme] inside YAMS
      8A: B[ig] I[ndustry] + OF + U[niversity] + EL (“train”) + [u]S[e]
      11A: WAF[fles] + T
      12A:UNIT - IT inside [d]AT[e]
      Thing that I love: 🧀. FWIW: 1D > 3D = 9D > 10D > 2D >> 5D
      1D: [so]BRIE[ty]
      2D: BLEW (“what the wind did”) homophone
      3D: PARIS - I + ME (1st person object, i.e. “I…objectively”) + A + N[ew]
      5D: c[AM]p + h[ER]o + I CAN (“volunteer’s words”)
      9D: ET (“stranger”) inside FA (“note”)
      10D: MADE reversed
      • axmszr 7:01 · 2024-07-05T09:34:42.170Z
        Yes, the correct ranking.
      • rjy 16:48 · 2024-07-04T18:21:34.944Z
        Fun little aha once I uncovered the theme!
        Thing that I love during sobriety (4)
        1. 4A
          Yes, Japanese are for the phone locks (4)
        2. 6A
          Look at extremely short and vulgar bread (4)
        3. 7A
          Power of Superman's energy enhanced by enzyme originally found in root vegetables (3, 5)
        4. 8A
          Big industry heads from university train the center in use of organic energy sources (8)
        5. 11A
          Smell of waffles before half-time (4)
        6. 12A
          Member of family unit loses it in the middle of date (4)
        1. 1D
          Thing that I love during sobriety (4)
        2. 2D
          I heard what the wind did to the thing that I love (4)
        3. 3D
          I come away from French capital and return objectively? A new thing that I love (8)
        4. 5D
          Camp Hero centers volunteer's words to get thing that I love (8)
        5. 9D
          Note about stranger thing that I love (4)
        6. 10D
          Made up thing that I love (4)