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2x3x4 #2

◆◆ · Di kieranjboyd · Pubblicato 2022-06-01T04:14:07.200Z

Constructor's Note
Hint if you're stuck: This puzzle involves rebuses. To enter multiple letters into a cell, use the Escape key (on computer) or the More menu (on phone).
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  • Mike D 🤓1:38 · 2022-06-01T12:38:10.983Z
    Fun one!
    • Probably Apocryphal 3:34 · 2022-06-01T14:30:16.550Z
      These puzzles are neat.
      Had everything accept square 2. Didn't know the garment.
      • Sommersmith 1:45 · 2022-06-03T14:12:23.033Z
        Another one I had to put down and come back to. Had KEPTONESCOOL for 1D for a while, had to check to confirm I was chasing a dead end. Love how EDIT and ABLE are parsed completely differently for the Across and Down entries!
        All-in-one garment in women's and children's fashion, OR put down the 10 of hearts when hearts are trumps, say
        1. 1A
          All-in-one garment in women's and children's fashion, OR put down the 10 of hearts when hearts are trumps, say
        2. 3A
          Like a .doc, but not a .pdf (usually)
        3. 4A
          Attribute of both Johnny Bravo and tundras
        1. 1D
          Remained calm in a stressful situation
        2. 2D
          The state of being acceptable, appropriate, or worthy