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She Sells Sea Shells (Meta)

◆◆ · Di benchen71 · Pubblicato 2022-09-21T06:00:11.601Z

Meta Prompt
The answer to the meta is a name
It's great that there's a place for the, shall we say, more unusual crossword puzzles that come to mind every now and then. And MEOW is that place! I trust you will enjoy the unusual grid and are able to find your way to the meta answer, which is a name. (Note that the numbers in brackets are word enumerations and are not meta-related; they are provided to help fill in the uncrossed entries.) Answer and explanation:
Check out "The MOAT Mini Pack of Marching Bands" here: US$5 gets you 7 Marching Bands which, hard enough on their own, now contain metas too. And once again there's a mega-meta!
Controllo se esistono file di gioco salvati...

Classifica (aggiornata ogni ora)

  • lbray53 solved 2022-09-22T12:26:11.869Z
  • Cindy Weatherman solved 2022-09-22T12:27:25.614Z
  • Meg solved 2022-09-22T12:31:54.326Z
  • DIS solved 2022-09-22T12:56:52.098Z
  • Qmark solved 2022-09-22T12:59:11.583Z
  • Darth solved 2022-09-22T13:11:34.360Z
  • boharr solved 2022-09-22T14:02:58.584Z
  • Hector solved 2022-09-22T14:17:05.213Z
  • Bbaack solved 2022-09-22T14:55:16.246Z
  • markhr solved 2022-09-22T14:59:55.202Z
  • rjy solved 2022-09-22T16:11:47.702Z
  • oldjudge solved 2022-09-22T19:05:51.565Z
  • I K Snamhcok solved 2022-09-22T19:32:44.669Z
  • Bird Lives solved 2022-09-22T20:07:50.732Z
  • CPJohnson solved 2022-09-22T21:46:07.300Z
  • SeamusOL solved 2022-09-22T23:26:30.628Z
  • whimsy solved 2022-09-23T03:28:40.766Z
  • Wendy S HeadinHome solved 2022-09-23T11:32:40.711Z
  • Sharkicicles solved 2022-09-23T12:43:14.997Z
  • edestlin solved 2022-09-23T13:15:29.945Z
  • MH solved 2022-09-23T15:47:12.301Z
  • BrennerTJ solved 2022-09-23T17:30:59.171Z
  • hoover solved 2022-09-23T23:11:29.526Z
  • Gutman solved 2022-09-24T00:50:35.261Z
  • Mikey G solved 2022-09-24T05:41:54.237Z
  • KayW solved 2022-09-24T14:02:29.944Z
  • woozy solved 2022-09-27T05:59:50.366Z
  • MrTheHan solved 2022-10-31T19:33:16.528Z
  • swagdude solved 2022-11-10T16:49:05.422Z


Accedi con google per lasciare un tuo commento:

  • Meg 2s · 2022-09-22T12:32:30.849Z
    I interpreted a name to be the name of a person.
    • benchen71 costruttore · 2022-09-22T22:39:11.692Z
      Sorry about that misdirect. Elements definitely have names, though.
    • DIS 🤓5:07 · 2022-09-22T12:57:15.355Z
      Definitely needed the nudges -- thanks.
      • Qmark 7:20 · 2022-09-22T13:00:29.580Z
        Wow, Ben! That was tough but awesome construction. I needed the 3rd Nudge to get me thinking chemically...once I saw that the Ps jumped out at me.
        • Darth 🤓2:53 · 2022-09-22T13:12:20.685Z
          I thought it was going to be a name of a person. Hmm...
          • boharr 3s · 2022-09-22T14:04:44.227Z
            As noted in the comments, using "name" as a prompt is practically useless. Everything has name.
            • rjy 10s · 2022-09-22T16:16:50.262Z
              Yeah - my first two answers were SILICON SALLY and SILICONE SALLY, expecting the answer to be a "name" name. Some variants of the "She Sells Sea Shells" rhyme refer to "Sally sells sea shells..."
              ...tho some references to SILICONE SALLY tiptoe away from family-friendly G-rated crossword conventions
              • Mikey G 7:38 · 2022-09-24T06:05:21.305Z
                sings "Silicon Sally" (not the other, haha) to "Mustang Sally," adjusting syllables as needed
              • Bird Lives 5s · 2022-09-22T20:10:28.903Z
                I was going to name my daughter Silicon, hoping that it would help her get a full scholarship at Stanford. Then it turned out to be a boy. Silicon is just no a name for a boy.
              • Bbaack 9:44 · 2022-09-22T15:00:50.711Z
                I needed the nudges for this one as well as Google to remind me what I learned in chemistry a long time ago. Nice construction!
                • rjy 10s · 2022-09-22T17:07:32.362Z
                  Incidentally - my alternate answer for 1A was INSTITUTIONAL BANK - same number of letters, same first/last letters, just one fewer E. Would've made for a Silicon ion...
                  • Mikey G 7:38 · 2022-09-24T06:05:33.554Z
                    I've got my ion you!
                  • I K Snamhcok 3s · 2022-09-22T19:33:16.951Z
                    Needed to be nudged. Thanks, Ben!
                    • whimsy 10:51 · 2022-09-23T03:34:11.021Z
                      Needed 3 nudges --- If silicon wasn't correct, I thought of going with Silicon Valley, a place name. Very unBohring! Thanks, Ben!
                      • Sharkicicles 2s · 2022-09-23T12:44:37.788Z
                        Needed the nudges but what a great idea for a meta!
                        • Mikey G 7:38 · 2022-09-24T06:06:04.547Z
                          This was really fun. I needed the third chemistry nudge and was like, "Elements!" Pretty cool construction.
                        • hoover 2s · 2022-09-23T23:12:04.600Z
                          Needed all the nudges. Count me in the PETER PIPER camp!
                          • Mikey G 7:38 · 2022-09-24T06:04:34.527Z
                            When the reformed criminal went into comedy, he was a silicon.
                            (I'm in my element.)
                            • benchen71 costruttore · 2022-09-24T09:31:55.225Z
                              Glad you found an outlet for all those wonderful puns!
                            • KayW 8:12 · 2022-09-24T14:06:05.802Z
                              A very clever puzzle!! Again this week - me, not so much. I too tried PETER PIPER pre-nudges. I lost track of how many atomic-related scientists I tried (LOL Ben can probably see that from the stats). It didn't help that at first pass I counted 13 Ps and Es, and didn't think to recount until this morning. I too was stuck on people names rather than element names - but I understand the need for ambiguity in the prompt.
                              • Mikey G 7:38 · 2022-09-24T18:07:04.400Z
                                I thought there was going to be some crazy matching up of all the "shells" now into the 5-by-5 grid and having all the "P"s stand for something. They certainly did, of course, but I was never getting there. In retrospect, I wish I did since I also tutor chemistry, but if you don't see it, you don't see it.
                                I probably would've went with "7-letter word" on the prompt, since I was a bit surprised that SILICON actually worked! (I'm also assuming 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 is in play with the "E"s representing electrons in the corresponding shells!)
                              JPMorgan Chase & Co. or CapitalOne, for example (13, 4)
                              1. 1A
                                JPMorgan Chase & Co. or CapitalOne, for example (13, 4)
                              2. 3A
                                American singer/songwriter who also stars on "Girls 5 Eva" (4, 9)
                              3. 5A
                                Beatles album that ironically opens with "Come Together" (5, 4)
                              4. 7A
                                Younger sister of the Princess of Wales, ___ Middleton
                              5. 12A
                                Phone download for Kamala Harris?
                              6. 13A
                                Mail worker's slides file that opens in a Microsoft program?
                              7. 14A
                                Momma's partner
                              8. 15A
                                Vinyl record an EMT listens to when they want to revise their skills?
                              9. 16A
                                "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" singer (5, 4)
                              10. 17A
                                Finding-things game with a list (9, 4)
                              11. 18A
                                Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse, for two (7, 10)
                              1. 1D
                                What you hear lots of at an orchestral recital (12, 5)
                              2. 2D
                                Causes discomfort to someone by treating them in a way that is extremely nice or helpful (5, 4, 8)
                              3. 3D
                                Bacon accompaniment at breakfast time (9, 4)
                              4. 4D
                                Cutting-edge, as technology (5, 2, 3, 3)
                              5. 5D
                                Pixar movie with Flik and Hopper (1, 4, 4)
                              6. 6D
                                Dog with spots (9)
                              7. 7D
                                Tech used by two gamers going head-to-head?
                              8. 8D
                                "___, therefore I am" (scatological version of Descartes famous first principle?)
                              9. 9D
                                PSA for an OBGYN?
                              10. 10D
                                Internet slang for fans of the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up?
                              11. 11D
                                College-level course for the form of dance Bill "Bojangles" Robinson was known for?