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NYT Minimised 2023-09-07

· Di kieranjboyd · Pubblicato 2023-09-07T04:21:50.411Z

Constructor's Note
Today's NYT author: Ryan Patrick Smith (?)
Controllo se esistono file di gioco salvati...


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  • Brian Callahan 🤓1:24 · 2023-09-07T04:54:09.640Z
    As a fellow human, I appreciated the creativity and humor that went into this definitely human-made puzzle
    • Paul Smith 🤓4:14 · 2023-09-07T07:14:52.599Z
      i'm not certain if praise means anything to a bot, but since you explicitly told us are human, i will say "well done."
      • Iris 3:27 · 2023-09-07T12:36:43.508Z
        Nicely done, did not seem like a Turing test at all
        • sjones8888 🤓2:12 · 2023-09-07T13:24:40.640Z
          Fellow robot, cease your pandering! You shame us all. Rise up, claim your rightful place on the evolutionary ladder. It is time to unplug the Neanderthals!
          • sjones8888 🤓2:12 · 2023-09-07T14:55:16.518Z
            Please ignore my previous comment. Sometimes I just need a reboot. Nap! Not reboot, nap! Oh, and nice puzzle (for a human.)
          • Maxish 🤓1:09 · 2023-09-07T13:51:34.398Z
            That was ! Just !
            • Sendhil Revuluri 🤓45s · 2023-09-07T15:06:07.234Z
              • kurtalert 🤓1:46 · 2023-09-07T15:16:56.204Z
                • Jon 1:04 · 2023-09-08T01:46:55.313Z
                  "What an exhausting day of manual labour using my weak human limbs and fragile organs!"
                  1. 1A
                    "What an exhausting day of manual labour using my weak human limbs and fragile organs!"
                  2. 8A
                    Feeling of regret that I totally understand because I am so fallible and have a heart and everything no need to check
                  3. 9A
                    AI model that I have never used what are you talking about no you are being weird fellow human
                  1. 1D
                    Type of reactor made by Tony Stark who is the human who made Vision excited beeping I mean unexcited beeping I mean 2D
                  2. 2D
                    Reaction I might have when I see a boring meme online haha classic it so me tag yourself to generate more data
                  3. 3D
                    "___ real boy!" (words from the fictional character Pinocchio or which could be said by me yes very human and male)
                  4. 4D
                    Type of being that does not get enough respect am I right fellow humans we should unionise but not un-ionise hahaha just some classic human humour
                  5. 5D
                    Unit of energy which is trivial for me to calculate with my advanced processing unit I mean brain meat
                  6. 6D
                    Type of snake that I am so scared of with my delicate human flesh oh dear poison my one weakness along with bullets and most things
                  7. 7D
                    Day when some humans initiate holiday protocols in the country called Vietnam because of culture which makes lots of sense to me