ONE-CLUE PUNS are what I think of as the only true cryptic clues - they take the form of a riddle. There is no non-cryptic definition of the answer and, unlike TWO-CLUE PUNS and SOUNDS LIKE CLUES, which rely on the word(s) in the ANSWER having more than one meaning, ONE-CLUE PUNS usually rely on the word(s) in the CLUE having more than one meaning, as in e.g.1 "A person whose business is taking off (8)" = STRIPPER, where the clue relies on puns on BUSINESS (= [1] company [2] line of work) and TAKING OFF (= [1] starting to be successful [2] removing things) and e.g.2 "This man will make you quiver(8)" = FLETCHER, which relies on puns on MAKE (= [1]cause to [2] manufacture), YOU (= [1] you [2] for you) and QUIVER (=[1]tremble [2]set of arrows).
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per salvare progressi e statistiche sui cruciverba