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MadDogCryptics Mini #7: Myth says the shapeshifter is laid back (6)

◆◆ · Di Mad Dog · Pubblicato 2024-08-22T23:59:24.275Z

Constructor's Note
This puzzle is an homage to The Crossword Scholar for creating the Sneaky Six format. It is my first time using this site to publish one of my puzzles. I would rate the difficulty 4.5/5.
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  • Aaron Riccio 10:04 · 2024-08-23T01:23:13.088Z
    What an amazing homage! A truly sneaky puzzle, with every single surface pushing cryptic conventions to their limits, which is exactly what I think this format (and forum) is for!
    Is 1D using [quiet] to indicate a deletion of [-bang]KOK? If so, I really like that!
    Is 2D using Professor as a Spoonerism indicator for TIRADE /rite aid/? I'm more used to seeing Reverend, but the surface is aces!
    In 3D [a virus] is an interesting way to suggest a hidden, I think it works, and is definitely sneaky!
    Is 1A H+O+TOIL, with [the focus] as the central letter in "the" and [in part of] as the first letter of "of"? Wicked (the good kind)!
    In 4A, CAR[-ra]DIO is fascinating (well defined): [span] is doing a lot of work to suggest the last and first letters of the phrase preceding it as the fodder to be deleted. 
    5A was your most straightforward clue, [-c]OLD+SAW<, so yeah, I'd agree with the 4.5/5 difficulty :)
    • Mad Dog costruttore · 2024-08-23T16:13:43.174Z
      1A. The actual intent of the clue is to take "the focus in part of schoolwork" and break it down as "the middle (HO) of school" and that leaves work to be interpreted separately.
      • lukadisgre 🤓9:50 · 2024-08-23T21:14:32.446Z
        Very well crafted, hope to see more MadDogCryptics here in the future!
        Hair treatment is the focus in part of schoolwork (3,3)
        1. 1A
          Hair treatment is the focus in part of schoolwork (3,3)
        2. 4A
          It might leave you breathless when entertainment on the road can't hold your attention span (6)
        3. 5A
          Cold front passing was, in retrospect, cliche (3,3)
        1. 1D
          Wild frontier lawman sounds like a rube nearing quiet Thai city (6)
        2. 2D
          Long outburst about drugstore chain from the Reverend (6)
        3. 3D
          Pardon the interruption, the WIFI maybe has a virus (2,1,3)