Enjoyed it - and thanks for including some games I haven't heard of but will definitely look into (all of which were clued fairly and gettable from the crosses! (SUSHIGO, AZUL, ANOMIA)
Glad to hear it! We have a LOT of board games (my wife might say "too many" though we are trying to win her over) and I was glad to be able to incorporate many of our favorites, both old and new! I've found the website Board Game Geek a handy resource to learn more about unfamiliar games.
Thanks for solving and for the recommendation — I will check out Skull! I think I’ve seen it before online but have never played.
Thanks for letting me know… the stats definitely show you’re not alone. BEHAN is a person in the category “I have heard of them but know very little about them” and I likely would’ve gotten stuck there too. Any ideas for better cluing on HOM appreciated!
I often fall on the crutch of giving solvers a secondary hint, in the form of an anagram or phrase that contains it (eg: "… [found hidden in THOMAS]"). I did check some dictionaries for hom-, but all the examples were for homo- instead … maybe an alternate fill would've been better? In any case, giving solvers more options and fallbacks is always nice!
ALTr 8:37 · circa un anno fa
HOM really threw me - not sure it's a prefix without the 'O', i.e. HOMO, with hard PPP crossing it. I'd retry writing that corner's fill for sure. Otherwise a fun fill, learnt a few new games to try out and almost all were inferable from the clue/crosses.